The paper is an attempt in cataloguing the traditional narrative form of Somali folklore, the folktales, by the main subjects and motifs that can be found.Maqaalku wuxuu isku dayayaa inuu taxo qaababka sheeko-dhaqameedka soomaaliyeed, isagoo ka eegaya xagga sababaha iyo mawaadiicdooda ugu doorka roon ee laga dhex helayo.L'articolo tenta una catalogazione della forma narrativa tradizionale del folclore somalo, il racconto popolare, secondo i motivi e i temi principali che vi si possono trovare.Mohamed Mohamed Abdi (a cura di
The paper aims to give a brief account of the art of the verbal message in Somali nomadic interior a...
Buuggan waxaa ku urursan sheekobaraalay iyo sheekooyin kale ee soomaaliyeed.Questo testo contiene fa...
Caratteristiche delle danze folkloristiche in Somalia: loro diffusione regionale, generi, modi di es...
Waa ururin sheeka dhaqameed Soomaaliyeed, oo ah natiijadii baariseed ee qoraagu ku sameeyey 1980-198...
Kapchits G. L. On types of Somali folk-tales. In: Anthropologie somalienne. Besançon : Université de...
A pioneering work in the documentation of the Somali treasure of folktales. The book contains a sele...
sheekooyin dhaqameed oo soo ururiyey Axmed Cartan Xaange, Af-ingiriisina u tarjumay.A collection of ...
A collection of 115 Somali folktales gathered by the author and deriving from previous publications ...
This article offers some interesting observations deriving from a research in the Somali foklore fro...
Qoraalkaani waa ururintii saddexaad ee uu sameeyey Axmed Cartan Xaange oo ku saabsan sheeko dhaqame...
This article focuses on the miniature genre of Somali oral poetry. In partucular, it decribes in det...
In this paper, the author describes the way in which the Somali prose fiction fit to the written tex...
In this paper, the author examines the figures of speech used in Somali poetry, in particular he cat...
Buuggan, oo ka kooban 217 sheeko oo hiddaha u ah dadka soomaaliyeedsheeko, waa ururintii ugu weynayd...
This little pamphlet presents a brief description of a representative ensamble of Somali folk-dances...
The paper aims to give a brief account of the art of the verbal message in Somali nomadic interior a...
Buuggan waxaa ku urursan sheekobaraalay iyo sheekooyin kale ee soomaaliyeed.Questo testo contiene fa...
Caratteristiche delle danze folkloristiche in Somalia: loro diffusione regionale, generi, modi di es...
Waa ururin sheeka dhaqameed Soomaaliyeed, oo ah natiijadii baariseed ee qoraagu ku sameeyey 1980-198...
Kapchits G. L. On types of Somali folk-tales. In: Anthropologie somalienne. Besançon : Université de...
A pioneering work in the documentation of the Somali treasure of folktales. The book contains a sele...
sheekooyin dhaqameed oo soo ururiyey Axmed Cartan Xaange, Af-ingiriisina u tarjumay.A collection of ...
A collection of 115 Somali folktales gathered by the author and deriving from previous publications ...
This article offers some interesting observations deriving from a research in the Somali foklore fro...
Qoraalkaani waa ururintii saddexaad ee uu sameeyey Axmed Cartan Xaange oo ku saabsan sheeko dhaqame...
This article focuses on the miniature genre of Somali oral poetry. In partucular, it decribes in det...
In this paper, the author describes the way in which the Somali prose fiction fit to the written tex...
In this paper, the author examines the figures of speech used in Somali poetry, in particular he cat...
Buuggan, oo ka kooban 217 sheeko oo hiddaha u ah dadka soomaaliyeedsheeko, waa ururintii ugu weynayd...
This little pamphlet presents a brief description of a representative ensamble of Somali folk-dances...
The paper aims to give a brief account of the art of the verbal message in Somali nomadic interior a...
Buuggan waxaa ku urursan sheekobaraalay iyo sheekooyin kale ee soomaaliyeed.Questo testo contiene fa...
Caratteristiche delle danze folkloristiche in Somalia: loro diffusione regionale, generi, modi di es...