The legal instrument for implementing the licensing and supervisory procedure is specified by statutory ordinances, guidelines and provisions. The licensing requirements for nuclear power plants on the final storage of radioactive wastes in the federal republic of germany are described. The nuclear facilities are subject to continuous state supervision after they have been granted. The appendix gives a brief account of the most important ordinances relating to the AtG and extracts from the Nuclear Safety Convention. (HP)Translated from German: Atomrechtliche Genehmigung und Aufsicht in Deutschland''. Published as GRS-S--41Available from TIB Hannover: RN 6431 (42) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbibl...
The aim of this thesis is to describe the legal aspects of the process of extension of Temelín Nucle...
Czech Atomic Law The reason for my research is to find out what is the key legislation regulating at...
Die Gliederung der erfassten auslaendischen Berichte und Dokumente zur Sicherheit kerntechnischer Ei...
The safety requirements to be met by nuclear facilities are laid down in national laws and ordinance...
The set of nuclear rules is checked for its applicability to the decommissioning, safe containment a...
The prescribed limits for radioactivity releases from the nuclear power plants in the Federal Republ...
Die bebilderte Broschuere gibt einen Ueberblick ueber Gesetze, Rechtsverordnungen und technische Reg...
Der Bericht enthaelt zwei Ausarbeitungen zu aktuellen Themenstellungen der Stillegung und Beseitigun...
The content of this report is a collection of research projects and investigations in the field of n...
This commentary by Dr. Bosselmarn originally appeared in Kritische Jirstiz in 1980. It is reproduced...
Mit dem vorliegenden Bericht ermoeglicht die GRS einer breiten Oeffentlichkeit einen Ueberblick uebe...
The Atomic Energy Act stipulates that nuclear facilities may only be constructed in accordance with ...
Currently no final repository for any type of radioactive waste is operated in Germany. Preliminary ...
Der Fachbereich ''Kerntechnische Sicherheit'' des Bundesamtes fuer Strahlenschutz fuehrte in Zusamme...
ERAF: A6 SI 1962.37These regulations, made by the Minister of Power and the Secretary of State for S...
The aim of this thesis is to describe the legal aspects of the process of extension of Temelín Nucle...
Czech Atomic Law The reason for my research is to find out what is the key legislation regulating at...
Die Gliederung der erfassten auslaendischen Berichte und Dokumente zur Sicherheit kerntechnischer Ei...
The safety requirements to be met by nuclear facilities are laid down in national laws and ordinance...
The set of nuclear rules is checked for its applicability to the decommissioning, safe containment a...
The prescribed limits for radioactivity releases from the nuclear power plants in the Federal Republ...
Die bebilderte Broschuere gibt einen Ueberblick ueber Gesetze, Rechtsverordnungen und technische Reg...
Der Bericht enthaelt zwei Ausarbeitungen zu aktuellen Themenstellungen der Stillegung und Beseitigun...
The content of this report is a collection of research projects and investigations in the field of n...
This commentary by Dr. Bosselmarn originally appeared in Kritische Jirstiz in 1980. It is reproduced...
Mit dem vorliegenden Bericht ermoeglicht die GRS einer breiten Oeffentlichkeit einen Ueberblick uebe...
The Atomic Energy Act stipulates that nuclear facilities may only be constructed in accordance with ...
Currently no final repository for any type of radioactive waste is operated in Germany. Preliminary ...
Der Fachbereich ''Kerntechnische Sicherheit'' des Bundesamtes fuer Strahlenschutz fuehrte in Zusamme...
ERAF: A6 SI 1962.37These regulations, made by the Minister of Power and the Secretary of State for S...
The aim of this thesis is to describe the legal aspects of the process of extension of Temelín Nucle...
Czech Atomic Law The reason for my research is to find out what is the key legislation regulating at...
Die Gliederung der erfassten auslaendischen Berichte und Dokumente zur Sicherheit kerntechnischer Ei...