Untersucht wurden die korrosionsresistenten (passiv korrodierenden) Werkstoffe Ti 99.8-Pd, Hastelloy C4, Nickel und Cr-Ni Stahl 1.4833 und der korrosionszulassende (aktiv korrodierende) Feinkornbaustahl TStE 355. Zur Simulation der Endlagerbedingungen wurden Proben aus den oben genannten Werkstoffen fuenf Jahre in einem elektrisch beheizten, verrohrten Bohrloch bei Temperaturen zwischen 170 C und 190 C ausgelagert. Das Verrohrungsmaterial war unlegierter Stahl versehen mit einem Korrosionsschutz aus Ti 99.8-Pd. Waehrend der Versuchszeit waren die Proben mit Angriff von Wasser/Salzloesung und Gasen wie CO_2, CH_4 und H_2 ausgesetzt, die aus dem Steinsalz freigesetzt oder durch Korrosion (H_2) gebildet wurden. Unter den Pruefbedingungen zeigt...
Cortest Columbus Technologies (CC Technologies) is investigating the long-term performance of contai...
MasterThe corrosion resistance of materials in interim storages and in underground repositories is a...
The investigations into the influence of important parameters on the corrosion behaviour of preselec...
In the present work, long-term immersion tests, electrochemical/radiochemical studies and slow strai...
The project started on 1 November 2000 and will last three years till 31 October 2003. In the presen...
In previous corrosion studies, carbon steels and the alloy Ti 99.8-Pd were identified as promising m...
Previous corrosion studies have shown that the unalloyed fine-grained steel TStE 355 (Material No. 1...
Im Berichtszeitraum wurden die 18-Monats-Immersionsexperimente und die Spannungsrisskorrosionsunters...
A joint corrosion programme is performed at FZK.lNE, ENRESA (Subcontractor INASMET), FU Berlin and S...
Corrosion resistant materials are being considered for the metallic barrier of the Yucca Mountain Pr...
In previous corrosion studies, carbon steels were identified as promising materials for the manufact...
Previous corrosion studies identified the alloy Ti99.8-Pd as a promising material for the manufactur...
Nickel-, iron- and chromium base alloys with different chemical compositions were investigated in sc...
Localized corrosion behavior of candidate inner and outer container materials of currently-designed ...
In der ersten Stufe der Arbeiten wurden fuer die Werkstoffe 1.4529, 1.4562, 2.4856, 2.4819 und 2.460...
Cortest Columbus Technologies (CC Technologies) is investigating the long-term performance of contai...
MasterThe corrosion resistance of materials in interim storages and in underground repositories is a...
The investigations into the influence of important parameters on the corrosion behaviour of preselec...
In the present work, long-term immersion tests, electrochemical/radiochemical studies and slow strai...
The project started on 1 November 2000 and will last three years till 31 October 2003. In the presen...
In previous corrosion studies, carbon steels and the alloy Ti 99.8-Pd were identified as promising m...
Previous corrosion studies have shown that the unalloyed fine-grained steel TStE 355 (Material No. 1...
Im Berichtszeitraum wurden die 18-Monats-Immersionsexperimente und die Spannungsrisskorrosionsunters...
A joint corrosion programme is performed at FZK.lNE, ENRESA (Subcontractor INASMET), FU Berlin and S...
Corrosion resistant materials are being considered for the metallic barrier of the Yucca Mountain Pr...
In previous corrosion studies, carbon steels were identified as promising materials for the manufact...
Previous corrosion studies identified the alloy Ti99.8-Pd as a promising material for the manufactur...
Nickel-, iron- and chromium base alloys with different chemical compositions were investigated in sc...
Localized corrosion behavior of candidate inner and outer container materials of currently-designed ...
In der ersten Stufe der Arbeiten wurden fuer die Werkstoffe 1.4529, 1.4562, 2.4856, 2.4819 und 2.460...
Cortest Columbus Technologies (CC Technologies) is investigating the long-term performance of contai...
MasterThe corrosion resistance of materials in interim storages and in underground repositories is a...
The investigations into the influence of important parameters on the corrosion behaviour of preselec...