Die Forschungsschwerpunkte der GSF waren 1998 wie folgt. Expositions- und Prozessanalysen in Umweltbereichen, Wirkungsketten in Oekosystemen, Gefaehrdung und Belastbarkeit der Umwelt, Wirkungsmechanismen von Chemikalien und Strahlung in Zellen, Genomanalysen und Untersuchungen zur genetischen Disposition, Einfluesse der Umwelt auf Differenzierung, Entwicklung und Kanzerogenese, Gesundheitsrisiken durch interne und externe Exposition, Grundlagen zur Verbesserung von Diagnose- und Behandlungsstrategien, klinisch-experimentelle Forschung fuer Diagnose und Therapie, Verbesserung der Wirksamkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Gesundheitsversorgung. Fuer die sieben Abschnitte des Berichts wurden eigene Abstracts verfasst. her, die Belastbarkeit biolo...
Available from TIB Hannover: ZN 7310(1994) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Techni...
As a member of the association of national research institutions GBF coordinates its long-term resea...
the annual report 1996/1997 of the Medizinisches Institut fuer Umwelthygiene reports on the institut...
The general development of the GSF in the year under review is reported, followed by the reports of ...
The general development of the GSF in the year under review is reported, followed by the reports of ...
As a center for environmental sciences, the major field of work of the GSF is research into and perf...
This is the 1997 scientific report of the GBF. Research was done in the following fields: Gene funct...
This is the 1995 scientific report of the GBF. Research was done in the following fields: Gene funct...
This is the 1996 scientific report of the GBF. Research was done in the following fields: Gene funct...
Available from TIB Hannover: ZB 2361(1997) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Techni...
Der Jahresbericht enthaelt in jeweils alphabetischer Reihenfolge die Veroeffentlichungen, Vortraege ...
This is the 1995 scientific report of the GBF. Research was done in the following fields: Gene funct...
Available from TIB Hannover: ZO 8561(1997) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Techni...
Available from TIB Hannover: ZO 8561(1996) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Techni...
The 16 German major research institutes are united in the AGF major research institutes working pool...
Available from TIB Hannover: ZN 7310(1994) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Techni...
As a member of the association of national research institutions GBF coordinates its long-term resea...
the annual report 1996/1997 of the Medizinisches Institut fuer Umwelthygiene reports on the institut...
The general development of the GSF in the year under review is reported, followed by the reports of ...
The general development of the GSF in the year under review is reported, followed by the reports of ...
As a center for environmental sciences, the major field of work of the GSF is research into and perf...
This is the 1997 scientific report of the GBF. Research was done in the following fields: Gene funct...
This is the 1995 scientific report of the GBF. Research was done in the following fields: Gene funct...
This is the 1996 scientific report of the GBF. Research was done in the following fields: Gene funct...
Available from TIB Hannover: ZB 2361(1997) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Techni...
Der Jahresbericht enthaelt in jeweils alphabetischer Reihenfolge die Veroeffentlichungen, Vortraege ...
This is the 1995 scientific report of the GBF. Research was done in the following fields: Gene funct...
Available from TIB Hannover: ZO 8561(1997) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Techni...
Available from TIB Hannover: ZO 8561(1996) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Techni...
The 16 German major research institutes are united in the AGF major research institutes working pool...
Available from TIB Hannover: ZN 7310(1994) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Techni...
As a member of the association of national research institutions GBF coordinates its long-term resea...
the annual report 1996/1997 of the Medizinisches Institut fuer Umwelthygiene reports on the institut...