Název práce: Kineziofobie u dialyzovaných pacientů - dotazníkové šetření. Cíle práce: Charakterizovat pojem kineziofobie a pomocí dotazníku Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia - TSK-CZ - vyhodnotit závislost míry strachu z pohybu na sociodemografických a klinických proměnných u skupin dialyzovaných a zdravých respondentů. Metody: Pro zjištění míry kineziofobie na vybraných proměnných jsme použili dotazník TSK-CZ v dialyzačních střediscích Fresenius Medical Care napříč městy České republiky. Kontrolní skupina jedinců bez ledvinného onemocnění - zdraví respondenti - byla oslovena prostřednictvím webu Survio.cz. Do výzkumu byl zařazen soubor dialyzovaných respondentů (n = 135) a zdravých respondentů (n = 135). Data byla zpracována s použitím statist...
Introduction: Patients with kinesiophobia (fear of movement) avoid physical activity. Avoidance of p...
Romatoid artrit, özellikle sinovial eklemlerde görülen ağrı, fonksiyonel kısıtlılık ve bu duruma eş...
Kocjan Janusz. Impact of kinesiophobia (fear before movement) to physical activity level in patients...
Thesis title: Kinesiophobia in patients on renal dialysis therapy - questionnaire study. The aims of...
Název: Kineziofobie, její prediktory a souvislosti u vybraných chronických onemocnění - teoretický p...
The aim of this article is to compare the incidence of thanatophobia in dialysed patients having Bal...
Objectives: (1) To assess the level of anxiety among experimental and control groups of patients und...
Kocjan Janusz. Impact of anxiety and depression to kinesiophobia (fear of movement) level among pati...
Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate various aspects of the phenomenon of kinesiop...
This bachelor thesis deals with the fear of pain/movement in patients with difficulties in the locom...
Kineziofobija ili strah od pokreta je česta pojava u rehabilitaciji ozljeda lokomotornog sustava. Ta...
Kocjan Janusz. Kinesiophobia determinants in patients after myocardial infarction. Journal of Educat...
OBJECTIVES: The primary objective was to determine the responsiveness of the Dutch version of the 13...
Objectives To identify factors associated with kinesiophobia (fear of movement) after cardiac hospit...
Križobolja je jedan od vodećih zdravstvenih, socijalnih i ekonomskih izazova s kojima se suočava cij...
Introduction: Patients with kinesiophobia (fear of movement) avoid physical activity. Avoidance of p...
Romatoid artrit, özellikle sinovial eklemlerde görülen ağrı, fonksiyonel kısıtlılık ve bu duruma eş...
Kocjan Janusz. Impact of kinesiophobia (fear before movement) to physical activity level in patients...
Thesis title: Kinesiophobia in patients on renal dialysis therapy - questionnaire study. The aims of...
Název: Kineziofobie, její prediktory a souvislosti u vybraných chronických onemocnění - teoretický p...
The aim of this article is to compare the incidence of thanatophobia in dialysed patients having Bal...
Objectives: (1) To assess the level of anxiety among experimental and control groups of patients und...
Kocjan Janusz. Impact of anxiety and depression to kinesiophobia (fear of movement) level among pati...
Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate various aspects of the phenomenon of kinesiop...
This bachelor thesis deals with the fear of pain/movement in patients with difficulties in the locom...
Kineziofobija ili strah od pokreta je česta pojava u rehabilitaciji ozljeda lokomotornog sustava. Ta...
Kocjan Janusz. Kinesiophobia determinants in patients after myocardial infarction. Journal of Educat...
OBJECTIVES: The primary objective was to determine the responsiveness of the Dutch version of the 13...
Objectives To identify factors associated with kinesiophobia (fear of movement) after cardiac hospit...
Križobolja je jedan od vodećih zdravstvenih, socijalnih i ekonomskih izazova s kojima se suočava cij...
Introduction: Patients with kinesiophobia (fear of movement) avoid physical activity. Avoidance of p...
Romatoid artrit, özellikle sinovial eklemlerde görülen ağrı, fonksiyonel kısıtlılık ve bu duruma eş...
Kocjan Janusz. Impact of kinesiophobia (fear before movement) to physical activity level in patients...