[Departement_IRSTEA]GTNational audience79 Tarentaise cows were used in an experiment conducted over a two year period. The experiment was on how to complement pasturage. During the summer, all animals were placed in a rationed pasturage in the Northern Alps in an area located between 1650 and 2200 m. Each year, during the mountain grazing season, two plots were made : cows of the first plot received an average of 1,5kg/d of concentrated nutrient more than the other animals. The effect of nutrient supply was the same over the two year period : the first cows produced an average of 1.1 kg/d more than the other ones. Their protein content was slightly higher and they put on more weight than the others. The reconstitution of body reserves was p...
National audienceA detailed survey was conducted on 62 dairy farms located in the northen Alpes to d...
In order to characterize dairy cattle feeding in Tizi-Ouzou areas, eighty dairy farmers have been in...
This study of relationships between meat results of Simmental culled-cows and fattening practices is...
National audienceSeventy-nine Tarentaise dairy cows were used in a supplementation trial conducted o...
Today, the dairy mountain pastures are still important in the mountain agriculture of the French nor...
National audienceA total of 48 dairy cows (Abondance breed) were used in a 2-year experiment. The ex...
10 tables 7 graph.National audienceIn 1985, a research development programme was undertaken in the n...
National audienceGrazed grass is a high nutritive value forage, inexpensive to produce and harvest a...
National audienceA typology of different spring pasture management practices was used to classify 46...
Les performances zootechniques de vaches laitières alimentées avec un ensilage de maïs appauvri en é...
National audience118 cows (86 Salers breed and 32 Limousine breed) were studied at INRA experimental...
National audienceOne hundred and fourty three dairy farms located in Massif Central were included in...
International audienceVeauxdans la plupartlaitierles fermes sont séparées de leurs mères soit immédi...
Cette étude avait deux objectifs, d’une part comparer les performances de vaches de race Holstein et...
This sample includes 30 dairy farms, often large, localized in two departments of North-East area of...
National audienceA detailed survey was conducted on 62 dairy farms located in the northen Alpes to d...
In order to characterize dairy cattle feeding in Tizi-Ouzou areas, eighty dairy farmers have been in...
This study of relationships between meat results of Simmental culled-cows and fattening practices is...
National audienceSeventy-nine Tarentaise dairy cows were used in a supplementation trial conducted o...
Today, the dairy mountain pastures are still important in the mountain agriculture of the French nor...
National audienceA total of 48 dairy cows (Abondance breed) were used in a 2-year experiment. The ex...
10 tables 7 graph.National audienceIn 1985, a research development programme was undertaken in the n...
National audienceGrazed grass is a high nutritive value forage, inexpensive to produce and harvest a...
National audienceA typology of different spring pasture management practices was used to classify 46...
Les performances zootechniques de vaches laitières alimentées avec un ensilage de maïs appauvri en é...
National audience118 cows (86 Salers breed and 32 Limousine breed) were studied at INRA experimental...
National audienceOne hundred and fourty three dairy farms located in Massif Central were included in...
International audienceVeauxdans la plupartlaitierles fermes sont séparées de leurs mères soit immédi...
Cette étude avait deux objectifs, d’une part comparer les performances de vaches de race Holstein et...
This sample includes 30 dairy farms, often large, localized in two departments of North-East area of...
National audienceA detailed survey was conducted on 62 dairy farms located in the northen Alpes to d...
In order to characterize dairy cattle feeding in Tizi-Ouzou areas, eighty dairy farmers have been in...
This study of relationships between meat results of Simmental culled-cows and fattening practices is...