This paper describes the analysis and clustering of motion trajectories obtained while users navigate within a virtual environment (VE). It presents a neural network simulation that produces a set of five clusters which help to differentiate users on the basis of efficient and inefficient navigational strategies. The accuracy of classification carried out with a self-organising map algorithm was tested and improved to in excess of 85% by using learning vector quantisation. This paper considers how such user classifications could be utilised in the delivery of intelligent navigational support and the dynamic reconfiguration of scenes within such VEs. We explore how such intelligent assistance and system adaptivity could be delivered within a...
This study proposes a user model of navigation in a Virtual Environment (VE), based on investigating...
Throughout this study, we employed unsupervised machine learning clustering algorithms, namely K-Mea...
This paper proposes a machine learning-based approach for capturing rules embedded in users’ movemen...
This paper describes the analysis and clustering of motion trajectories obtained while users navigat...
This study proposes a modular system for clustering on-line motion trajectories obtained while users...
This study proposes a modular system for clustering on-line motion trajectories obtained while users...
This study proposes a modular system for clustering on-line motion trajectories obtained while users...
This paper proposes the use of neural networks as a tool for studying navigation within virtual worl...
This paper proposes the use of neural networks as a tool for studying navigation within virtual wor...
This paper proposes the use of neural networks as a tool for studying navigation within virtual worl...
This study investigates the differences in movement patterns followed by users navigating within a v...
Absract One of the most challenging and complex tasks when working with virtual worlds is the naviga...
International audienceThe navigation activity is an every day practice for any human being capable o...
Navigation of novel environments requires an ability to acquire, store, and recall spatial informati...
Testing the acquisition and use of navigation strategies in humans using a virtual environment Navig...
This study proposes a user model of navigation in a Virtual Environment (VE), based on investigating...
Throughout this study, we employed unsupervised machine learning clustering algorithms, namely K-Mea...
This paper proposes a machine learning-based approach for capturing rules embedded in users’ movemen...
This paper describes the analysis and clustering of motion trajectories obtained while users navigat...
This study proposes a modular system for clustering on-line motion trajectories obtained while users...
This study proposes a modular system for clustering on-line motion trajectories obtained while users...
This study proposes a modular system for clustering on-line motion trajectories obtained while users...
This paper proposes the use of neural networks as a tool for studying navigation within virtual worl...
This paper proposes the use of neural networks as a tool for studying navigation within virtual wor...
This paper proposes the use of neural networks as a tool for studying navigation within virtual worl...
This study investigates the differences in movement patterns followed by users navigating within a v...
Absract One of the most challenging and complex tasks when working with virtual worlds is the naviga...
International audienceThe navigation activity is an every day practice for any human being capable o...
Navigation of novel environments requires an ability to acquire, store, and recall spatial informati...
Testing the acquisition and use of navigation strategies in humans using a virtual environment Navig...
This study proposes a user model of navigation in a Virtual Environment (VE), based on investigating...
Throughout this study, we employed unsupervised machine learning clustering algorithms, namely K-Mea...
This paper proposes a machine learning-based approach for capturing rules embedded in users’ movemen...