How do teacher trainers cope with reforms? To answer this question, we designed an intervention-research (IR) with an ergonomic approach to the activity in support of a demand from trainers who, faced with a third reform in less than ten years, are questioning the implementation of a new training scheme designed to operationalise work-linked training. This IR is designed with a threefold aim: exploratory, then transformative and epistemic. We first carried out an exploratory diagnosis and then helped to initiate and support a process of development of professional activity with trainers involved in IR. Our main results show that, in order to work with these forced changes, without institutional support or the creation of spaces for collecti...
Many institutional guidelines point out that teacher education programs can be a means to enhance th...
The authors coordinated a survey of research boards inside the french * IUFM » (University institute...
The dropout of teachers, and more specifically of novice teachers, has been notedinternationally in ...
Comment les formateurs d’enseignants réussissent-ils à faire face aux réformes ? Pour répondre, nous...
International audienceOur study focuses on French teacher trainers facing a twofold reform : that of...
International audienceIn France the implementation period of a teacher training reform which began i...
International audienceThe research presented here aims to understand how trainers in work/study al...
Depuis quelques années, la formation continue des enseignants du second degré est questionnée dans l...
International audienceFrom the first results of a research on the professional thought of the traine...
From the first results of a research on the professional thought of the trainers, made up on the bas...
The occupation of Trainer has developed over the last twenty five years as a result of the growth of...
The emergence of the idea of training teachers by means of research results from the meeting of seve...
In considering the situation of social work trainers, this thesis studies the process by which a gro...
After exploring in a critical way the links between the spheres of research, training and action, th...
Teachers are being asked to change. But it is obvious that in many ways they resist. The strategy an...
Many institutional guidelines point out that teacher education programs can be a means to enhance th...
The authors coordinated a survey of research boards inside the french * IUFM » (University institute...
The dropout of teachers, and more specifically of novice teachers, has been notedinternationally in ...
Comment les formateurs d’enseignants réussissent-ils à faire face aux réformes ? Pour répondre, nous...
International audienceOur study focuses on French teacher trainers facing a twofold reform : that of...
International audienceIn France the implementation period of a teacher training reform which began i...
International audienceThe research presented here aims to understand how trainers in work/study al...
Depuis quelques années, la formation continue des enseignants du second degré est questionnée dans l...
International audienceFrom the first results of a research on the professional thought of the traine...
From the first results of a research on the professional thought of the trainers, made up on the bas...
The occupation of Trainer has developed over the last twenty five years as a result of the growth of...
The emergence of the idea of training teachers by means of research results from the meeting of seve...
In considering the situation of social work trainers, this thesis studies the process by which a gro...
After exploring in a critical way the links between the spheres of research, training and action, th...
Teachers are being asked to change. But it is obvious that in many ways they resist. The strategy an...
Many institutional guidelines point out that teacher education programs can be a means to enhance th...
The authors coordinated a survey of research boards inside the french * IUFM » (University institute...
The dropout of teachers, and more specifically of novice teachers, has been notedinternationally in ...