Des del segle IX al segle XI, els víkings van atacar constantment àrees com Anglaterra, Irlanda i Normandia. Durant les primeres fases dels assentaments, el campament víking (anomenat longphort en els annals irlandesos) apareix com un model d’estructura des del qual controlar el territori adjacent a rius i costes. Algunes d’aquestes estructures van evolucionar i es van tornar centres comercials i militars. En alguns casos, es van convertir en centres urbans i van ser el germen de ciutats com Dublín. Aquests campaments són fonamentals per a entendre el desenvolupament d’una fase de ràtzies a una d’assentament. No obstant això, aquests campaments no s’han trobat en altres regions menys estudiades de la diàspora vikinga, com és el cas de Galíc...
Between 1602 and 1608 c. 10.000 individuals from all strata of predominantly Gaelic Irish society i...
This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary project that has revealed the location, exten...
Los estudios sobre política de las Islas Británicas en la baja edad media han tendido a tratar sobre...
From the ninth to the eleventh century, Vikings famously raided areas like England, Ireland and Norm...
Like any other medieval mariner, itinerant viking hosts would regularly have made their way ashore t...
The history of the Viking invasions in England and what is now France in the ninth and tenth centuri...
Viking warriors from Scandinavia began to attack the coasts of western Europe towards the end of the...
The history of ‘vikings’ in Aquitaine encompasses, on and off, more than two centuries, from their f...
The study of Viking fortifications is a neglected subject which could reveal much to archaeologists ...
Archaeological excavations, particularly those of the last fifty years, have greatly advanced our un...
In the eighth century men and women began to pour out of Scandinavia, driven outward by land pressur...
Scandinavians, popularly known as Vikings, began to explore and settle in Europe from the ninth cent...
This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary project that has revealed the location, exten...
Our research on the winter camp of the Viking Great Army (micel here) at Torksey (Lincolnshire) has ...
23 oct. 2015 | Université de Caen (France) | MRSH, salle des Actes, SH027, 14H-18H Les Vikings en Gr...
Between 1602 and 1608 c. 10.000 individuals from all strata of predominantly Gaelic Irish society i...
This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary project that has revealed the location, exten...
Los estudios sobre política de las Islas Británicas en la baja edad media han tendido a tratar sobre...
From the ninth to the eleventh century, Vikings famously raided areas like England, Ireland and Norm...
Like any other medieval mariner, itinerant viking hosts would regularly have made their way ashore t...
The history of the Viking invasions in England and what is now France in the ninth and tenth centuri...
Viking warriors from Scandinavia began to attack the coasts of western Europe towards the end of the...
The history of ‘vikings’ in Aquitaine encompasses, on and off, more than two centuries, from their f...
The study of Viking fortifications is a neglected subject which could reveal much to archaeologists ...
Archaeological excavations, particularly those of the last fifty years, have greatly advanced our un...
In the eighth century men and women began to pour out of Scandinavia, driven outward by land pressur...
Scandinavians, popularly known as Vikings, began to explore and settle in Europe from the ninth cent...
This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary project that has revealed the location, exten...
Our research on the winter camp of the Viking Great Army (micel here) at Torksey (Lincolnshire) has ...
23 oct. 2015 | Université de Caen (France) | MRSH, salle des Actes, SH027, 14H-18H Les Vikings en Gr...
Between 1602 and 1608 c. 10.000 individuals from all strata of predominantly Gaelic Irish society i...
This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary project that has revealed the location, exten...
Los estudios sobre política de las Islas Británicas en la baja edad media han tendido a tratar sobre...