It is posible to distinguish in this coast three different kind of sediments: the west coast sand, the east and the island Grossa beach. The west is mineralogically characte- rised by dolomite, hornblende and opacs minerals; east cost is richer in species and it is characterised by dolomite, pyro- xenes and tourmaline; and the orthorbombic pyroxene ensta- tite dominate at the island Grossa beach. Carbonate amount is very high, over 50 % at the, east coast, 30 % at the west coast and 20 o/, at the andesitic material of island Grossa. Sand is very coarse at the west coast, the medium osci- llate between 719-805 p it is plenty of stones, at the east coast and island Grossa beach medium is between 20i&-289 p and there are very few stones. C...