Some features on Alpine tectonic o£ the Spanish Eastern Pyrenees are described. The formation o£ three tectonic nap- pes of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks, gliding to South, is the most important feature of the Spanish Pyrenees tectonic. There are three main tectonic phases. The first one is a Cui- sian age phase which made the hfontsec nappe. The Second one is a Lutetian age phase bvhich made the Pedraforca nappe with NIZ-SW concentric folds. Pedraforca nappe is at the East side o£ híontsec nappe and it is separated from this by a right strilte slip fault. The third one is an Oligocen age phase; it built a E-W fold system, with sume upthrusts towards the South, and fracture cleavage in the Eocen and Garumnian marls. Some folds of this system...