By recent regulations, which have come into force in Turkish Law, the method of mediation has been accepted as a pre-requisite for applying to the courts for the settlement of legal disputes. The article 18/A of Act on Mediation in Civil Disputes mainly includes the provisions that refer to the procedures to be followed in compulsory mediaton. However, for what legal disputes the parties should apply to the mediator before bringing a suit in a court it refers to other regulations as well. Within this framework, it is observed that the application to the mediator for resolving the legal disputes that are subject to commercial litigation, and some claims, arising from individual and collective labour agreements (such as employer-employer rece...
The article analyses mediation and its application possibilities in solving business disputes. Nowa...
Any dispute arising in private law relations is solved by the states jurisdiction or an arbitrator. ...
Industrial Relations Mediation, hereinafter referred to as mediation, is the settlement of rights di...
With the Labor Courts Law No. 7036, mediation in individual labor disputes has been regulated as a p...
7036 sayılı İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu ile Türk İş Hukuku uygulamasında yeni bir dönem başlamış ve iş söz...
Although arbitration is in the legislation of Turkey, its practice in the insurance law emerged in t...
ÖZ: Taraflar açısından kararların bağlayıcılığının olmadığı arabuluculuk mekanizması, toplu iş uyuşm...
In the new Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania provisions regulating collective labour relation...
7251 sayılı Kanunun 59. maddesiyle Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun‟a 73/A maddesi eklenerek, tü...
According to the Law Number 30 Years 1999, article 6 section (3) if there is a dispute, based on t...
MÖHUK m.44 bireysel iş sözleşmelerinden kaynaklanan uyuşmazlıklarda Türk mahke-melerinin yetkisini ö...
Uyuşmazlık insan doğasının ve insan yaşamının bir parçası olduğu kadar, uyuşmazlığın bir biçimde çöz...
Birçok nedenle sayısı hızla artan uyuşmazlıklar ile buna bağlı olarak yükselen dava sayısı ve onarıc...
ABSTRACT Public law concession agreements, contracts between administrative and private law real o...
Arbitrability establishes the essential boundary between the regulatory authority of the legal syste...
The article analyses mediation and its application possibilities in solving business disputes. Nowa...
Any dispute arising in private law relations is solved by the states jurisdiction or an arbitrator. ...
Industrial Relations Mediation, hereinafter referred to as mediation, is the settlement of rights di...
With the Labor Courts Law No. 7036, mediation in individual labor disputes has been regulated as a p...
7036 sayılı İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu ile Türk İş Hukuku uygulamasında yeni bir dönem başlamış ve iş söz...
Although arbitration is in the legislation of Turkey, its practice in the insurance law emerged in t...
ÖZ: Taraflar açısından kararların bağlayıcılığının olmadığı arabuluculuk mekanizması, toplu iş uyuşm...
In the new Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania provisions regulating collective labour relation...
7251 sayılı Kanunun 59. maddesiyle Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun‟a 73/A maddesi eklenerek, tü...
According to the Law Number 30 Years 1999, article 6 section (3) if there is a dispute, based on t...
MÖHUK m.44 bireysel iş sözleşmelerinden kaynaklanan uyuşmazlıklarda Türk mahke-melerinin yetkisini ö...
Uyuşmazlık insan doğasının ve insan yaşamının bir parçası olduğu kadar, uyuşmazlığın bir biçimde çöz...
Birçok nedenle sayısı hızla artan uyuşmazlıklar ile buna bağlı olarak yükselen dava sayısı ve onarıc...
ABSTRACT Public law concession agreements, contracts between administrative and private law real o...
Arbitrability establishes the essential boundary between the regulatory authority of the legal syste...
The article analyses mediation and its application possibilities in solving business disputes. Nowa...
Any dispute arising in private law relations is solved by the states jurisdiction or an arbitrator. ...
Industrial Relations Mediation, hereinafter referred to as mediation, is the settlement of rights di...