Somali, İslam dininin ortaya çıkışından hemen sonra Doğu Afrika’ya hicret eden sahabelerin tebliği ile, Medine-i Münevvere’de halk Müslüman olmadan önce, İslamiyeti kabul eden insanların yaşadığı bir ülkedir. İslam Somali’ye ticaret ve tebliğ yolu ile gelmiştir. Yakın bir döneme kadar Sünnî/Şafiî çizgide saf bir İslam anlayışını benimseyen ve yaşayan Somalililer XX. Yüzyılın sonu Selefîlik akımının ülkeye gelişi ile bu yerleşik din anlayışı değişime uğramıştır. Daha sonra farklı grupların örnek olarak devlete muhalif olan silahli grublar klan millitanlar ve komşu ülkeler tarafından finans edilen isyanci millitanların Somali’ye gelişi de Somali devletinin çöküşüne neden olmuştur. Selefî tandanslı bir grup olan eş-Şebâb, Siyad Barre hükümeti...
Somalia has been one of the UN member countries who lingers from the presence of terrorist groups in...
A project by Munai Sylvia Kitua, submitted to the Chandaria School of Business In Partial Fulfillmen...
This study Deals with the regional role in solving the conflicts that Somalia suffers during the per...
Yüksek Lisans Teziİslamiyet, Somali'ye en erken dönemine gelmiştir. Tarihsel olarak gelişim süreci g...
Somali, İslâm dininin Mekke'den sonra ulaştığı ilk topraklardandır. Dolaysıyla milâdi on dördüncü yü...
The main purpose of this research is to explore the history and origin of al-Shabaab movement in Eas...
A Project Report by Warsame Abdi Shire, Submitted to the School of Business, USIU-A in Partial Fulfi...
This research studies the deriving ideology and directions of al-Shabaab movement. The organization ...
Skripsi ini menganalisa bagaimana kerjasama antara pemerintah transisi Somalia, Transition Federal G...
The first part of this research tackled the theoretical part of the thesis which mainly discussed th...
Somali, İslâm dininin Mekke’den sonra ulaştığı ilk duraklardan sayılmaktadır. İlk Habeşistan hicreti...
The study sought to evaluate the impact of the African Union (AU) in combating Al Shabaab terrorism ...
Clans have existed in Somalia since people first began to settle there and have served as an integra...
This research derives importance from its coverage of the vital roles that sharia goals play in solv...
This research paper examines the complexities of conflict in the Horn of Africa, with a particular f...
Somalia has been one of the UN member countries who lingers from the presence of terrorist groups in...
A project by Munai Sylvia Kitua, submitted to the Chandaria School of Business In Partial Fulfillmen...
This study Deals with the regional role in solving the conflicts that Somalia suffers during the per...
Yüksek Lisans Teziİslamiyet, Somali'ye en erken dönemine gelmiştir. Tarihsel olarak gelişim süreci g...
Somali, İslâm dininin Mekke'den sonra ulaştığı ilk topraklardandır. Dolaysıyla milâdi on dördüncü yü...
The main purpose of this research is to explore the history and origin of al-Shabaab movement in Eas...
A Project Report by Warsame Abdi Shire, Submitted to the School of Business, USIU-A in Partial Fulfi...
This research studies the deriving ideology and directions of al-Shabaab movement. The organization ...
Skripsi ini menganalisa bagaimana kerjasama antara pemerintah transisi Somalia, Transition Federal G...
The first part of this research tackled the theoretical part of the thesis which mainly discussed th...
Somali, İslâm dininin Mekke’den sonra ulaştığı ilk duraklardan sayılmaktadır. İlk Habeşistan hicreti...
The study sought to evaluate the impact of the African Union (AU) in combating Al Shabaab terrorism ...
Clans have existed in Somalia since people first began to settle there and have served as an integra...
This research derives importance from its coverage of the vital roles that sharia goals play in solv...
This research paper examines the complexities of conflict in the Horn of Africa, with a particular f...
Somalia has been one of the UN member countries who lingers from the presence of terrorist groups in...
A project by Munai Sylvia Kitua, submitted to the Chandaria School of Business In Partial Fulfillmen...
This study Deals with the regional role in solving the conflicts that Somalia suffers during the per...