Abstrak: Penelitian ini difokuskan mencermati isu hukum dan politik pada Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 23 Tahun 2011 tentang Pengelolaan Zakat, terutama relasi zakat dan pajak sebagai pemenuhan amanat konstitusi Pasal 29 jo Pasal 34 ayat (1) UUD 1945. Eksistensinya menunjukkan negara bangsa menghadirkan aktualisasi hukum agama di ruang publik, yang pelaksanaannya bersinggungan dengan aspek politik dan ekonomi, tetapi dipahami cukup efektif dan efisien untuk membantu pencapaian tujuan negara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum doktrinal dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, filsafat hukum dan politik. Bahan kepustakaan, baik berupa bahan hukum primer, maupun sekunder dijadikan sebagai tumpuan utama dalam inventarisasi dokumen. Bah...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the Amil Zakat Institution, namely Laz...
Abstract Shari'at regarding zakat, infaq, and sadaqah, is a shari'ah which shows that in Islam, not...
Penulisan buku ini merupakan salah satu upaya untuk melengkapi kebutuhan kepustakaan atau referensi ...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini difokuskan mencermati isu hukum dan politik pada Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor ...
This article aims to describe the management of zakat in Indonesia in a political and legal perspect...
This article aims to discuss the enactment of Zakat Management Law 23/2011. Based on the critical te...
In early Islamic history is described for government involvement in managing charity, with a model t...
Religian and law are two unseparated notions from Indonesia as a state and nation. In Indonesia mosl...
The new Act of zakat management No. 23 Year 2011 has changed the position of private zakat managemen...
Studies show that zakat plays an important role in economy in Indonesia. Research by Baznas and FEM ...
The potential of zakat which is large in the country up to now has not been utilized by the Indonesi...
Zakat is one of the religious obligations that have social, economic, political, and legal dimension...
Zakat is a religious institution that aims to improve justice and welfare of the community so it nee...
Abstract: Islam has practically taught people about the income-politics policies employed by Prophet...
The Law No 23 of 2011 on Management of Zakat (new UUPZ) that substitutes Law No 38 of 1999 on Manag...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the Amil Zakat Institution, namely Laz...
Abstract Shari'at regarding zakat, infaq, and sadaqah, is a shari'ah which shows that in Islam, not...
Penulisan buku ini merupakan salah satu upaya untuk melengkapi kebutuhan kepustakaan atau referensi ...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini difokuskan mencermati isu hukum dan politik pada Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor ...
This article aims to describe the management of zakat in Indonesia in a political and legal perspect...
This article aims to discuss the enactment of Zakat Management Law 23/2011. Based on the critical te...
In early Islamic history is described for government involvement in managing charity, with a model t...
Religian and law are two unseparated notions from Indonesia as a state and nation. In Indonesia mosl...
The new Act of zakat management No. 23 Year 2011 has changed the position of private zakat managemen...
Studies show that zakat plays an important role in economy in Indonesia. Research by Baznas and FEM ...
The potential of zakat which is large in the country up to now has not been utilized by the Indonesi...
Zakat is one of the religious obligations that have social, economic, political, and legal dimension...
Zakat is a religious institution that aims to improve justice and welfare of the community so it nee...
Abstract: Islam has practically taught people about the income-politics policies employed by Prophet...
The Law No 23 of 2011 on Management of Zakat (new UUPZ) that substitutes Law No 38 of 1999 on Manag...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the Amil Zakat Institution, namely Laz...
Abstract Shari'at regarding zakat, infaq, and sadaqah, is a shari'ah which shows that in Islam, not...
Penulisan buku ini merupakan salah satu upaya untuk melengkapi kebutuhan kepustakaan atau referensi ...