Proses assembling adalah perakitan dokumen rekam medis dengan menganalisis kelengkapan berkas rekam medis. Petugas assembling harus berusaha melakukan upaya untuk menjaga kelengkapan berkas rekam medis. Namun berdasarkan hasil wawancara petugas rekam medis, masih ditemukan berkas rekam medis rawat inap yang tidak lengkap. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran proses assembling pasien rawat inap di RSU Dharma Yadnya. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa proses assembling rekam medis di Rumah Sakit Umum Dharma Yadnya sudah sesuai dengan SOP yang ada dan sudah mengacu pada Permenkes Nomor 269/Menkes/Per/III/2008 tentang isi rekam medis rawat...
This research aims to determine the effect of fillings completeness of inpatient medical discharge s...
Completeness of medical records is very important because it affects the patient's treatment process...
Kelengkapan informasi dalam pengisian rekam medis dapat menjadi masalah, karena rekam medis dapat me...
Assembling merupakan penataan rekam medis, pelaksanaan kegiatan asembling rekam medis di Rumah Sakit...
Hospital is an organization engaged in services, therefore it is obliged to hold a medical record fo...
Berdasarkan UU RI No. 44 Tahun 2009, tentang Rumah Sakit adalah institusi pelayanan kesehatan bagi m...
Medical Records are written evidence of the service process that provided by doctors and other healt...
A medical record is a summary of the entire treatment and care period a patient undergoes while rece...
Every health facility, whether it is primary, secondary, tertiary, is required to organize medical r...
Medical records is one of the written proof of service processes that contains the clinical data of ...
The fulfillment completeness of medical record in Muhammadiyah hospital is very poor. The study aime...
Completeness of filling out medical records in hospitals is a must for health workers and can be don...
RS As-Syifa Bengkulu Selatan merupakan rumah sakit tipe D, yang memiliki jumlah tenaga perekam medis...
The implementation of medical records in hospitals can support the improvement of service quality th...
Alur prosedur pengelolaan dokumen rekam medis di bagian assembling RSUD dr. Soekardjo Kota Tasikmala...
This research aims to determine the effect of fillings completeness of inpatient medical discharge s...
Completeness of medical records is very important because it affects the patient's treatment process...
Kelengkapan informasi dalam pengisian rekam medis dapat menjadi masalah, karena rekam medis dapat me...
Assembling merupakan penataan rekam medis, pelaksanaan kegiatan asembling rekam medis di Rumah Sakit...
Hospital is an organization engaged in services, therefore it is obliged to hold a medical record fo...
Berdasarkan UU RI No. 44 Tahun 2009, tentang Rumah Sakit adalah institusi pelayanan kesehatan bagi m...
Medical Records are written evidence of the service process that provided by doctors and other healt...
A medical record is a summary of the entire treatment and care period a patient undergoes while rece...
Every health facility, whether it is primary, secondary, tertiary, is required to organize medical r...
Medical records is one of the written proof of service processes that contains the clinical data of ...
The fulfillment completeness of medical record in Muhammadiyah hospital is very poor. The study aime...
Completeness of filling out medical records in hospitals is a must for health workers and can be don...
RS As-Syifa Bengkulu Selatan merupakan rumah sakit tipe D, yang memiliki jumlah tenaga perekam medis...
The implementation of medical records in hospitals can support the improvement of service quality th...
Alur prosedur pengelolaan dokumen rekam medis di bagian assembling RSUD dr. Soekardjo Kota Tasikmala...
This research aims to determine the effect of fillings completeness of inpatient medical discharge s...
Completeness of medical records is very important because it affects the patient's treatment process...
Kelengkapan informasi dalam pengisian rekam medis dapat menjadi masalah, karena rekam medis dapat me...