The publication "Prefabrication in Canadian Housing", (NRC 7856) attempts to draw conclusions from the many impressions gained on diverse shop practice in the survey across Canada. This note considers these impressions only as they affect builders' needs at present, dealing with wood-frame construction alone.La publication "Prefabrication in Canadian Housing" (NRC 7856) tente de tirer certaines conclusions \ue0 partir d'une enqu\ueate aupr\ue8s de quelques ateliers de pr\ue9fabrication \ue0 travers le Canada. Elle donne \ue9galement des d\ue9tails concernant les membranes pr\ue9tendues, panneaux sandwich et autres innovations dans la construction r\ue9sidentielle.Reprinted from Canadian Builder, Vol. XIV, No. 12, December 1964, p. 27-29. A...
The affordability crisis in the North American housing market has prompted the construction industry...
Residential construction has been a focus of attention in North America in recent years. Rising cons...
The purpose of this report is to describe and analyze the potential benefits and limitations of cons...
This note and the next two in this series will attempt to relate this study directly to the builders...
The technical aspects of house design can often be modified to facilitate factory production, and th...
Norway is one country worthy of such study. Its climate is similar to Canada's and its houses are co...
Information is provided on reference manuals of use in current Canadian wood design practice. Other ...
DBR NRC suggests Canadian builders should find cost savings in the Australian techniques of building...
The Division of Building Research is vitally interested in the building of houses, especially those ...
Field and laboratory experience with the clear finishes and stains has become particularly extensive...
Le pr\ue9sent Digeste sert d'introduction aux principales sources de don\ue9es imprim\ue9es sur la t...
Aussi disponible en fran\ue7ais: Produits de construction - strat\ue9gies pour l'OntarioPeer reviewe...
L'auteur fournit des renseignements sur les diff\ue9rents manuels utilis\ue9s au Canada, traitant de...
The purpose of this housing report is to inform builders of ongoing research, to provide status repo...
The past ten years have seen remarkable advancements of gypsum wallboard as an interior finish. In 1...
The affordability crisis in the North American housing market has prompted the construction industry...
Residential construction has been a focus of attention in North America in recent years. Rising cons...
The purpose of this report is to describe and analyze the potential benefits and limitations of cons...
This note and the next two in this series will attempt to relate this study directly to the builders...
The technical aspects of house design can often be modified to facilitate factory production, and th...
Norway is one country worthy of such study. Its climate is similar to Canada's and its houses are co...
Information is provided on reference manuals of use in current Canadian wood design practice. Other ...
DBR NRC suggests Canadian builders should find cost savings in the Australian techniques of building...
The Division of Building Research is vitally interested in the building of houses, especially those ...
Field and laboratory experience with the clear finishes and stains has become particularly extensive...
Le pr\ue9sent Digeste sert d'introduction aux principales sources de don\ue9es imprim\ue9es sur la t...
Aussi disponible en fran\ue7ais: Produits de construction - strat\ue9gies pour l'OntarioPeer reviewe...
L'auteur fournit des renseignements sur les diff\ue9rents manuels utilis\ue9s au Canada, traitant de...
The purpose of this housing report is to inform builders of ongoing research, to provide status repo...
The past ten years have seen remarkable advancements of gypsum wallboard as an interior finish. In 1...
The affordability crisis in the North American housing market has prompted the construction industry...
Residential construction has been a focus of attention in North America in recent years. Rising cons...
The purpose of this report is to describe and analyze the potential benefits and limitations of cons...