Restriction of human rights in criminal procedure offtenly is integrated part of effective criminal procedure. Nevertheless, more complicated is evaluation of addmisability of application of secret surveillance measures. These procedures restricts private life of a person; therefore, they should be proportional and the results obtained should comply with the general requirements for evidences. Legal regulation of special investigative techniques was not changed in Lithuania recently. Nevertheless court’s practices rise new questions related to their proper application. Constitutional jurisprudence of Lithuania indicates that human rights may be restricted only by the law and the courts have no right to fill in legal gaps by limitati...
Summary Right to have private life defense at all criminal law points In Republic of Lithuania Const...
Currently, the national criminal proceedings, governing law - the Criminal Procedure Code does not c...
SUMMARY The present paper analyses the limits of public persons’ rights to their private life, the c...
Žmogaus teisių ribojimas dažnai yra neatsiejama efektyvaus baudžiamojo proceso dalis. Tačiau neviešo...
Maģistra darba tēma ir „Cilvēktiesību ierobežošanas problēmas kriminālprocesā, piemērojot ar brīvība...
In this article the author briefly discusses the concept of privacy and its regulation by Lithuanian...
Topicality of the theme of the scientific work and the problems. Constriction of human rights in th...
Private detectives have been providing their services in Lithuania for about a decade; however, only...
According to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, everyone has the right to respect...
Private detectives have been providing their services in Lithuania for about a decade; however, only...
This article focuses on the issue: whether limits of freedom of expression and information differ w...
Teisė į asmens privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumą paskutiniais dešimtmečiais vis labiau įsitvirtina ir ...
Bakalaura darba tēma: „Cilvēktiesību garantēšana kriminālprocesā” šobrīd ir aktuāla, jo Starptautisk...
The Master’s thesis analyses person’s right to privacy and mass media right to freedom of speech com...
Teisėsaugos institucijos atskleisdamos ir tirdamos nusikalstamas veikas dažnai vadovaujasi Kriminali...
Summary Right to have private life defense at all criminal law points In Republic of Lithuania Const...
Currently, the national criminal proceedings, governing law - the Criminal Procedure Code does not c...
SUMMARY The present paper analyses the limits of public persons’ rights to their private life, the c...
Žmogaus teisių ribojimas dažnai yra neatsiejama efektyvaus baudžiamojo proceso dalis. Tačiau neviešo...
Maģistra darba tēma ir „Cilvēktiesību ierobežošanas problēmas kriminālprocesā, piemērojot ar brīvība...
In this article the author briefly discusses the concept of privacy and its regulation by Lithuanian...
Topicality of the theme of the scientific work and the problems. Constriction of human rights in th...
Private detectives have been providing their services in Lithuania for about a decade; however, only...
According to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, everyone has the right to respect...
Private detectives have been providing their services in Lithuania for about a decade; however, only...
This article focuses on the issue: whether limits of freedom of expression and information differ w...
Teisė į asmens privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumą paskutiniais dešimtmečiais vis labiau įsitvirtina ir ...
Bakalaura darba tēma: „Cilvēktiesību garantēšana kriminālprocesā” šobrīd ir aktuāla, jo Starptautisk...
The Master’s thesis analyses person’s right to privacy and mass media right to freedom of speech com...
Teisėsaugos institucijos atskleisdamos ir tirdamos nusikalstamas veikas dažnai vadovaujasi Kriminali...
Summary Right to have private life defense at all criminal law points In Republic of Lithuania Const...
Currently, the national criminal proceedings, governing law - the Criminal Procedure Code does not c...
SUMMARY The present paper analyses the limits of public persons’ rights to their private life, the c...