將右側坐骨神經植入金黃地鼠的延髓錐體交叉處,同時,又將左側坐骨神經切成數個短段后全段植入運動皮質。8周后用辣根過氧化物酶(HRP)軸突逆行追蹤法觀察HRP標記的軸突再生中樞神經元。結果,各組的運動皮質內均未發現標記細胞,在腦干和間腦可見標記細胞,呈距移植神經越遠標記細胞越少的分布趨勢。提示:植入錐體細胞胞體周圍的坐骨神經短段對遠距胞體的軸突損傷后再生無明顯促進作用,腦干神經元的軸突再生與移植神經插入及軸突損傷部位距神經元胞體之間的距離密切相關。A segment of the right sciatic nerve was transplanted into medulla pyramidal decussation and concurrently sev-eral short segments of the left sciatic nerve were inserted into the motor cortex.Eight weeks later,1μl of 20% so-lution of HRP was injected into the sciatic nerve graft placed in the medulla.The HRP Iabelled cells were found inthe brainstem and diencephalon,but none was present in the motor cortex. Most of labelled cells were concentrat-ed around the grafting site.The number of labelled cells decreased rapidiy w...
Axons of adult mammals can regenerate through peripheral nerve grafts and restore the retinocollicul...
目的探讨视神经损伤后Bcl-2高表达小鼠再生的视神经如何能长入脑内正常的靶组织.方法对生后3 d(P3)的C57Bl/6J野生小鼠和Bcl-2转基因小鼠进行左眼视神经夹闭损伤,立刻摘除对侧眼球,4 d...
International audienceAbstractBackgroundThe adult brain is unable to regenerate itself sufficiently ...
Periferik sinir yaralanmalarının sebepleri ve tedavi şekilleri hakkında çok sayıda deneysel çalışma ...
Tissue transplantation methods, previously used to study neural develop-ment, myelination and inheri...
目的探讨异种神经干细胞注射到玻璃体腔后迁移到视网膜的存活及分化,为进一步研究重建视觉传导通路奠定基础.方法在近SD大鼠眼球后壁夹住视神经根部5 min,造成视神经损伤,将起源于人胚胎大脑海马的神经干细...
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書研究種目: 基盤研究(C)研究期間: 2012~2014課題番号: 24592194研究代表者: 森 幹二(滋賀医科大学・医学部・講師)研究分担者: 今井 晋二(滋賀医科...
The study was focused on responses of CNS neurons in adult rats to autologous tibial nerve grafts im...
Summary: Axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI) can be enhanced by activation of the int...
After transplantation of autologous sciatic nerve segments into the retina of adult hamsters for 1-2...
BACKGROUND: Reinnervation timing after nerve injury is critical for favorable axonal regeneration, r...
Despite the regenerative capabilities of peripheral nerves, severe injuries or neuronal trauma of cr...
To test the hypothesis that neurosecretory axon regeneration occurs only in the presence of specific...
This thesis examines the roles of inflammation and the chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan NG2 in rege...
Axons of adult mammals can regenerate through peripheral nerve grafts and restore the retinocollicul...
目的探讨视神经损伤后Bcl-2高表达小鼠再生的视神经如何能长入脑内正常的靶组织.方法对生后3 d(P3)的C57Bl/6J野生小鼠和Bcl-2转基因小鼠进行左眼视神经夹闭损伤,立刻摘除对侧眼球,4 d...
International audienceAbstractBackgroundThe adult brain is unable to regenerate itself sufficiently ...
Periferik sinir yaralanmalarının sebepleri ve tedavi şekilleri hakkında çok sayıda deneysel çalışma ...
Tissue transplantation methods, previously used to study neural develop-ment, myelination and inheri...
目的探讨异种神经干细胞注射到玻璃体腔后迁移到视网膜的存活及分化,为进一步研究重建视觉传导通路奠定基础.方法在近SD大鼠眼球后壁夹住视神经根部5 min,造成视神经损伤,将起源于人胚胎大脑海马的神经干细...
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書研究種目: 基盤研究(C)研究期間: 2012~2014課題番号: 24592194研究代表者: 森 幹二(滋賀医科大学・医学部・講師)研究分担者: 今井 晋二(滋賀医科...
The study was focused on responses of CNS neurons in adult rats to autologous tibial nerve grafts im...
Summary: Axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI) can be enhanced by activation of the int...
After transplantation of autologous sciatic nerve segments into the retina of adult hamsters for 1-2...
BACKGROUND: Reinnervation timing after nerve injury is critical for favorable axonal regeneration, r...
Despite the regenerative capabilities of peripheral nerves, severe injuries or neuronal trauma of cr...
To test the hypothesis that neurosecretory axon regeneration occurs only in the presence of specific...
This thesis examines the roles of inflammation and the chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan NG2 in rege...
Axons of adult mammals can regenerate through peripheral nerve grafts and restore the retinocollicul...
目的探讨视神经损伤后Bcl-2高表达小鼠再生的视神经如何能长入脑内正常的靶组织.方法对生后3 d(P3)的C57Bl/6J野生小鼠和Bcl-2转基因小鼠进行左眼视神经夹闭损伤,立刻摘除对侧眼球,4 d...
International audienceAbstractBackgroundThe adult brain is unable to regenerate itself sufficiently ...