はじめに 一、茂吉文とドイツ語原文及び生田長江訳との対照 二、『ツァラトウストラ』の文体の模倣、影響歌 三、茂吉のOrgiasmus理解 : 氷上英広論文の指摘を踏まえて おわりにMokichi Saito\u27s essay, \u22Kodai Geijutsu no San\u22 (\u22Admiration for Ancient Art\u22), published in the January 1946 issue of Araragi, is based on Nietzsche\u27s work, Gotzen-Diimmerung. This essay is remarkable because it is not only based on Nietzsche\u27s work but also the reappearance of his translation of the expression Wille zur Macht, which was already used in his early stage of adoption of Nietzsche. However, there have been few studies about this essay. This paper examines Mokichi’s late adoption of Nietzsche by contrasting \u22Kodai Geijutsu no San\u22 with the original German text of Nietzsche and its translation by Ikuta Choko