1. In the present paper the author reported the result of his studies on the evaluation of the effectiveness of some egg parasites against Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler, a serious pest of pine trees in Japan. 2. Surveys were carried out at four plots in the Japanese black pine forest situated on the sea coast in the vicinity of Fukuoka City in 1960 and 1961. 3. Six species of the egg parasites were recorded. Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura and Telenomus dendrolimi (Matsumura) were common in all plots, and Anastatus bifasciatus (Fonscolombe) was found only in two plots. 4. In summer, Tr. dendrolimi was highly active, and generally the percentage of parasitism of this parasite showed a tendency to increase rapidly two weeks or so after the...
本試験は南西諸島における熱帯イネ科牧草の代表的な草種である, ギニアグラス, ローズグラスおよびグリーンパニックの3草種を用いて乾物収量に及ぼす施肥窒素の影響を明かにするにために実施された。結果の大要...
The mycetangia and the ventral glands are newly discovered in the females of the weevil genus Eupos....
The role played by Polistes wasps on the natural control of agricultural and forest pests seems to b...
In the present paper observations on the nest construction of the founding female of Polistes chinen...
The artificial insemination of the eggs of the mud skipper, Periophthalmus cantonensis (Osbeck), col...
The present paper deals with the keys to 246 species of pelagic eggs and hatched larvae found in the...
1. In this paper, studies on the oviposition habit and reproductive capacity of Anicetus ceroplastis...
The engraulid fish, Coilia nasusTemminck et Schlegel, inhabits only in Ariake Sound which is situate...
The multiplication of CIV was analysed by markers such as iridescence, cytoplasmic inclusion, and in...
The leaf and stem anthracnose of Paulownia tomentosa, due to Gl. Kawakamii MIYABE, prevails almost a...
The blennioid fish, Dictyosoma burgeri Van der Hoeven, growing over 250mm in total length in full gr...
記事区分:総合論文[Author abstract]To investigate the beneficial effects of sodium related to available potas...
サトウキビ畑の一年生雑草のうち発生量の最も多いツノアイアシとテリミノイヌホウズキの土壤水分の変化に対する反応を調査し, その結果を比較検討した。両草種とも概ね高土壤水分条件下で生育が旺盛となり, 形質...
In this paper the writer deals with the life history and habits of the sculpin, Trachidermus fasciat...
[Author abstract]Some developmental-physiological characteristics of an alien weed, beggar-ticks, wh...
本試験は南西諸島における熱帯イネ科牧草の代表的な草種である, ギニアグラス, ローズグラスおよびグリーンパニックの3草種を用いて乾物収量に及ぼす施肥窒素の影響を明かにするにために実施された。結果の大要...
The mycetangia and the ventral glands are newly discovered in the females of the weevil genus Eupos....
The role played by Polistes wasps on the natural control of agricultural and forest pests seems to b...
In the present paper observations on the nest construction of the founding female of Polistes chinen...
The artificial insemination of the eggs of the mud skipper, Periophthalmus cantonensis (Osbeck), col...
The present paper deals with the keys to 246 species of pelagic eggs and hatched larvae found in the...
1. In this paper, studies on the oviposition habit and reproductive capacity of Anicetus ceroplastis...
The engraulid fish, Coilia nasusTemminck et Schlegel, inhabits only in Ariake Sound which is situate...
The multiplication of CIV was analysed by markers such as iridescence, cytoplasmic inclusion, and in...
The leaf and stem anthracnose of Paulownia tomentosa, due to Gl. Kawakamii MIYABE, prevails almost a...
The blennioid fish, Dictyosoma burgeri Van der Hoeven, growing over 250mm in total length in full gr...
記事区分:総合論文[Author abstract]To investigate the beneficial effects of sodium related to available potas...
サトウキビ畑の一年生雑草のうち発生量の最も多いツノアイアシとテリミノイヌホウズキの土壤水分の変化に対する反応を調査し, その結果を比較検討した。両草種とも概ね高土壤水分条件下で生育が旺盛となり, 形質...
In this paper the writer deals with the life history and habits of the sculpin, Trachidermus fasciat...
[Author abstract]Some developmental-physiological characteristics of an alien weed, beggar-ticks, wh...
本試験は南西諸島における熱帯イネ科牧草の代表的な草種である, ギニアグラス, ローズグラスおよびグリーンパニックの3草種を用いて乾物収量に及ぼす施肥窒素の影響を明かにするにために実施された。結果の大要...
The mycetangia and the ventral glands are newly discovered in the females of the weevil genus Eupos....
The role played by Polistes wasps on the natural control of agricultural and forest pests seems to b...