1. In Polistes chinensis antennalis Perez the emergence of the newly hatched larvae may be the limiting factor to the rate of cell construction of the founding female. The increase in cell numbers of the nest may be stopped or extremely inhibited by the appearance of the newly hatched larvae. Therefore, there is a direct relation between the duration of the incubation period and the number of cells made by the founding female. The number of cells made by the founding female is generally larger in the nest constructed in a warmer environment than that in a cooler environment, even in case that the nest under observation are of the same age. Once the larvae begin to make cocoons, the increase in the number of cells or the rate of cell constru...
In some Polistes wasps, the foundresses build huge nests during the founding phase to improve the th...
Nest recognition is critical to the sociality of wasps. Studies on Polistes have shown that is essen...
The Réunion wasp, Megapolistes olivaceus de Geer, is an insect well integrated in the life of the in...
1. A founding female of Polistes chinensis antennalis Perez makes as many as 30 to 40 cells in the p...
A study of the nesting sites of founding females of Polistes chinensis antennalis Perez shows that t...
1. The fact that the emergence of the newly hatched larvae in the nest of Polistes chiensis antennal...
Biosociological studies on Parapolybia indica SAUSSURE have been carried out by the authors in Kawak...
Wasps of the genus Polistes were used to determine the effects of larval nutrition, position within ...
This is the report of my study on the preoviposition period, egg maturation and resorption of the ov...
We examined the food provisioning and oviposition process (POP) for worker- and gyne-producing cells...
Overwintering larvae of Colletes kincaidii Cockerell were obtained by removing soil blocks from a la...
Ovaries of Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, an important pest of chestnut trees in Japan, were exami...
The effect of temperature on the development of two egg parasitoids, Trichogramma chilonis and T. os...
Thermal effects on the nest sizes constructed by Polistes riparius foundresses, their nesting activi...
室内実験によって, セグロアシナガバチ Polistes jokahamae の巣に寄生するウスムラサキシマメイガ Hypsopygia postflava の交尾習性と産卵特性, 幼虫の寄主利用の行...
In some Polistes wasps, the foundresses build huge nests during the founding phase to improve the th...
Nest recognition is critical to the sociality of wasps. Studies on Polistes have shown that is essen...
The Réunion wasp, Megapolistes olivaceus de Geer, is an insect well integrated in the life of the in...
1. A founding female of Polistes chinensis antennalis Perez makes as many as 30 to 40 cells in the p...
A study of the nesting sites of founding females of Polistes chinensis antennalis Perez shows that t...
1. The fact that the emergence of the newly hatched larvae in the nest of Polistes chiensis antennal...
Biosociological studies on Parapolybia indica SAUSSURE have been carried out by the authors in Kawak...
Wasps of the genus Polistes were used to determine the effects of larval nutrition, position within ...
This is the report of my study on the preoviposition period, egg maturation and resorption of the ov...
We examined the food provisioning and oviposition process (POP) for worker- and gyne-producing cells...
Overwintering larvae of Colletes kincaidii Cockerell were obtained by removing soil blocks from a la...
Ovaries of Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, an important pest of chestnut trees in Japan, were exami...
The effect of temperature on the development of two egg parasitoids, Trichogramma chilonis and T. os...
Thermal effects on the nest sizes constructed by Polistes riparius foundresses, their nesting activi...
室内実験によって, セグロアシナガバチ Polistes jokahamae の巣に寄生するウスムラサキシマメイガ Hypsopygia postflava の交尾習性と産卵特性, 幼虫の寄主利用の行...
In some Polistes wasps, the foundresses build huge nests during the founding phase to improve the th...
Nest recognition is critical to the sociality of wasps. Studies on Polistes have shown that is essen...
The Réunion wasp, Megapolistes olivaceus de Geer, is an insect well integrated in the life of the in...