In order to determine the effect of fertilizing ingredients on the growth and yields of rice and rape plants, the experiments reported here were carried out on the field of the Experimental Farm of the Kyushu Imperial University during the period from 1922 to 1928. These two crop plants were grown on the same field as the summer and winter crops respectively every year, rice being irrigated floodedly and rape without irrigation. The surface soil is clayey loam and about 15 cm. thick, and below it clayey impervious subsoil is lying.九州帝國大學農學部附屬農場に於ては其創設以來繼續して數種の主要作物に對し圃場で肥料試驗を施行してゐる。其中には既に相當の成績を示すに至つたので, 中止したり或は設計を改めたものもある。そこで此等の成績を順次に發表することにした。茲に報告せんとする所のものも其の一で, 1922年より1928年に至る七年間に亘て行はれた試驗の成績である。水稻の肥料試驗の成績の從來報告されたものは少くなく, 茲に報告せんとするものにも格別特異な...
The results of a herbicide experiment for transplanted rice conducted at the Chiayi Agricultural Exp...
In each container, 25 cm. in diameter and 1 m. in depth, after packing sandy soil to a suitable dept...
[Author abstract]The effects of deep placement of additional nitorogen fertilizer on rice plants wer...
本試驗係為肥料種類及施用量不同,對稻作主要病害發生之影響,並且於本所田間舉行,茲將所得結果簡述如下: 本年度春季氣候寒冷,第一期作插秧期較往年延遲,而且稻生育期間氣候順調,另第二期作受前期作之影響其插...
The effects of time of fertilizer application on yield, components of yield, and some important agro...
Investigations on the effect of three levels of fertilizers on the yield and on some productive prop...
The effects of 3 split applications of nitrogen and potash fertilizers and 2 planting densities on y...
干拓年次の新しい児島湾干拓地圃場に於て,窒素肥料の種類,施肥量及び施肥法をかえて水稻栽培を行い,収穫物中二三の要素分析を行つた.得られた結果は次の如きものであつた. 1.土壌中に於ける塩素含有量は表土...
The response of growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.)» cultivar Tainung 67, to soil water defic...
The effects of 2 fertilizer rates, 3 planting densities, and 3 shapes of planting on the growth of r...
USG深施提高氮素回收率及稻谷產量之效果,以一期稻優於二期稻,一期稻谷增產量可達13%,氮回收率最高可達77%;二期稻谷增產量最高僅有3%(屏東新埤),而氮回收率最高亦只有41%。 二期作USG深施在...
[Author abstract]This study was conducted at paddy field that was not manured for long years. The gr...
To elucidate fertilizer responsiveness of rice cultivars as Akenohoshi and Nishihomare which were br...
Визначена ефективна система застосування мінеральних добрив в посівах скоростиглих та середньоранньо...
The results of a herbicide experiment for transplanted rice conducted at the Chiayi Agricultural Exp...
In each container, 25 cm. in diameter and 1 m. in depth, after packing sandy soil to a suitable dept...
[Author abstract]The effects of deep placement of additional nitorogen fertilizer on rice plants wer...
本試驗係為肥料種類及施用量不同,對稻作主要病害發生之影響,並且於本所田間舉行,茲將所得結果簡述如下: 本年度春季氣候寒冷,第一期作插秧期較往年延遲,而且稻生育期間氣候順調,另第二期作受前期作之影響其插...
The effects of time of fertilizer application on yield, components of yield, and some important agro...
Investigations on the effect of three levels of fertilizers on the yield and on some productive prop...
The effects of 3 split applications of nitrogen and potash fertilizers and 2 planting densities on y...
干拓年次の新しい児島湾干拓地圃場に於て,窒素肥料の種類,施肥量及び施肥法をかえて水稻栽培を行い,収穫物中二三の要素分析を行つた.得られた結果は次の如きものであつた. 1.土壌中に於ける塩素含有量は表土...
The response of growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.)» cultivar Tainung 67, to soil water defic...
The effects of 2 fertilizer rates, 3 planting densities, and 3 shapes of planting on the growth of r...
USG深施提高氮素回收率及稻谷產量之效果,以一期稻優於二期稻,一期稻谷增產量可達13%,氮回收率最高可達77%;二期稻谷增產量最高僅有3%(屏東新埤),而氮回收率最高亦只有41%。 二期作USG深施在...
[Author abstract]This study was conducted at paddy field that was not manured for long years. The gr...
To elucidate fertilizer responsiveness of rice cultivars as Akenohoshi and Nishihomare which were br...
Визначена ефективна система застосування мінеральних добрив в посівах скоростиглих та середньоранньо...
The results of a herbicide experiment for transplanted rice conducted at the Chiayi Agricultural Exp...
In each container, 25 cm. in diameter and 1 m. in depth, after packing sandy soil to a suitable dept...