* Minutes of the Faculty Meeting held on June 6, 1972 fflue Room yN(Vt ,3i,y ARCHIVES A.U. C. LIBRARY The meeting was called to order at 3.05 p.m. —— " 1. The draft minutes of the meeting held on May 29, 1972 were approved, with the following corrections: Item 4, line 5, to read - "responsibility and controls; publications; limitation of rights of publication; responsibility of..,” Item 4, line 11, to read - "apply. The representativeness of the committee was also questioned.” 2. Faculty Elections. The following were elected to serve for the academic year 1972-73: Chairman: Dr. Wedad Said Vice Charimau: Dr. Roger Heacock Secretary: Dr. Herbert Dixon Ji Program Committee Dr. Farkhonda Hassan Dr. Georgie Hyde Dr. John Rodenbeck Nomination Com...