IHE MBOCMI OHIVBtSriy IN CMBD BOMS) GF TMJtnW« Novean±er, 1991 Facilities OonnttLttee Renovaticai of Falaki Hostel Decision Paper Because of serious space pn±)leanjs during the current academic year, the former Falaki Hostel is being used teaiporarily for faculty offices and classroora space. Decisions will be made during early November conoeming long range ooctpancy. However, because of the nature and layout of the building, it will of necessity be used primarily for offices and small clctssrooms. C3ertain renovations can be made during the winter and spring months, with most of the heavy work ta)cing place during the sunmer of 1992. Based an present assumptions, it is estimated that the cost of renovations will be approximately $900,000, ...