... } ----- 1. A. r . D. 2. Contdbut ions 3. a. Academic 1- iiiiiiv-v-vi- Pe~sonnel expense Othe~ Costs Lib~a~y Compute~ Cente~ Schola~ships fellowships b. D1V. of Public Se~vice 4. Educational Ente~p~ises a. Com. Indust~ial T~aining b. Mgt Development & GOfI c. Social Resea~ch Cente~ d. Eng1. Lang. Inst.- A.LD. e. AUC P~ess (i) P~nt / Publn (net) [IJ (ii) Booksto~es (net) [2] f. Dese~t Dev. Cente~ 5. Auxllia~y Ente~p~ises a. Food Se~vices (net) [3] b. Hostels 6. Mlscellaneous 7. Admin1strative & General a. Executive Management b. Student Se~vices c. Gene~al Administ~ation d. N.Y. Office e. Bldgs , G~ounds (net) [4] f. Misc. Operating Expense 8. T~an8fe~s to Othe~ funds a. Plant Funds b. Cur~ency t~ansfe~ c. Endowment Funds TOTAL EXPENDIT...