ATTACHMENT B THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO MAY BUDGET FOR 1986/87 CONSOLIDATED OPERATING BUDGET EXPRESSED IN DOLLARS 1. A.I.D. 2. Contributions a. Contributions (net) b. Endowment Inc. (net) llJ c. UEEF 3. Tuition Fees 6 Acad. Support a. Academic b. Div. of Public Service c. Fees d. Grants & Contracts 4. Educational Enterprises a. Com. Industrial Training b. En91. Lang. Inst .- A.LD. c. Social Research Center d. Mgt. Development e. Press (i) Prnt/Puoln (net) L2J (ii) Bookstore (net) [3J f. Desert Dev. Center 5. Auxiliary Enterprises a. Food Services (net) L4J b. Hostels 6. Miscellaneous Income 7. Prov. for dJlubt fu I 1 ncome TOTAL INCOME TOTAL EXP. & TRANSFERS NET SURPLUS/DEFICIT $ Actual 82/83 [LE.83=$IJ 3,995,359 843,635 485,009 199,7...