• We dnesday 11 :00 A.l1 . Attending: 7\Cl} lLlaC ANT> IlliSEARCH COMl1ITTEE OF THE. BOll' )) OF TRUSTEES OF ']"]{[ Jl~~1Fl:i, 71.1'1 UNIVERS I TY IN CA I RO October 27, 1982 The River Club Nr ~ . Se.ge. I I'" . 1:ll 0 \ ','11, l"u: . El l t s , lVrr . Reed, Mr. Winder J Mr. Hyde, Mr . Pede"p,cn TIl E' agerid", o f t h i~, !"'., ~ i 1)9 wc:..!:: apl 'l'C'VC::J, Tile minutes of tI le May 1982 meetin g A r epor t \,'i.iS T" '.1t 0;. t. h stdt us ci the 'l'esting Project and wor k with the Educational Testing Servi ce (ETS ) of Princeton . Mrs. Sage a nd Mr. Lamont met recently with ETS p ersonne l, and it appears that the inte rnational scholastic aptitude tests will be developed separately on a regional/linguistic basis rather than centr...