I t -5- about the low level of student partic i pation which he would l i ke to see increased. Dr. Byrd advocated the appointment of a FC\culty-Student Committee to replace the Ad Hoc Committee that '· '(1.S ~stabl ish ec! durinn the October war. He favors appointing 7 members froP1 each orou r to t he' nCI;I! Committee. 7. Faculty Concerns - Dr. Cynthia Nelson, Chairman of tile Faculty, j oin r:rl t he meetinq at this point. She stated that the Faculty favors "democratization of the decision-making process" by increasing Faculty and student participation in decisions that affect them . She recall cd t he Ari Hoc Committee that was active during the October war and noted that it was Pres irl0nt Thoron's wish that it become a permanent commi...