I - 16 semin~s, etce, should be designed chiefly fur co~ity ugefulness, and the materials grow1.ng ou~ 0-= such ef~orts should be availa.ble for publication by the University ?resse It is proposed that many of the present lines of distinction betw~en this uui t and the other academic uni ts bA minimized or elimin~ted~ such as in stafiingr .As is :tndicated elnewhere, staff may well be employed to make offeringG b0th in the adult f~eld and in the undergraduate 01' gmdus.te p1'ograms. An I:l.ssistant to the director of the Li~ds~on is requi~ed if the opportunities in this area ere to be exploi "':;ed adoqu3.tely. Adult educaticn includes lecture series end cultural events, as well as educatior:3.l movies, fon'lIls~ d:'scussions ana. fue l:2::...