2 Ill 1 U.S. Bureau of the Budget. The claaranco I.: expd at any i,ine. If , for some reason it is not made, th© Board of Trustees will stongly con-sider declining the grant covering the sciences building. The third and fourth items,totalling an estimAed $00.01C' Et, covered in a request now being submitted to the Unites St; for a 1959-60 commitment. The cost for the fifth project is now being determS.nf:JO, fzu., 6 intention of tho administration to request the Dodge Foundaidop gave funds for the reconstruction of the main portion of Hill 11)41s.., the Hill library. in 1958-59, to provide funds for thc building as a library. Tho sixth and seventh projects an wait a TGW yea, are accomplished, and efforts will then be irv.de to 3-Ern Governm...