Budget 1959-60 - 2, Office of the Director Instruction LE. 3,173. 3 298. 1959-60 1958-59 LS 6,472. 6,063. Social Research Conter: Office of the Director Instruction Departmental Research L11. 3,530. 12,465. 2 550. 18r.546, 19,430. 12,1 40(.7) 9,7 8,490, 8.118, Office of the Director LE. 3,656. Library Operation 8,483. Buildisejc Grounds: Office of the Director LE. 845. Operation 7,645. Auxiliaect2,ELyiaes: Hill House Bookstore Social Activities RiTtmnt of Bank Loan .•n••..m.resI sfn•••n.• Grand Total Expense LE, 350, 6,265. 1 004 7,619. 8,135 35 „000.,(8.)26,2.5o, LE. 2393045 2'22,455. er,r,Incn•n••n..1.10141, nin $ 682,985.$ 607,014. Notes IT There has been no opportunity in the past several months to prepare an anticipated income budget f...