1 SECOND PROG1üLSS REPORT SELF STUDY COIfl ITTEE OIT UITIVEPSITY EVENTS In the first progress report, University Events were divided as follows: (1) Events of Inspirational Nature, (2) Events of Cultural Nature, (3) Events of Educational Nature. C OMTTI'I'TEE DECISI O!\' TS (1) Staff Devotional Meetings. After studying the results of the questionnaire meetings, the committee made the following report: "A sizeable majority of those answerin.g the questionnaire and would attend a meeting of varied type if held at 5:00 and lasting about an hour," on devotional believe in prayer, P.M. every ,Tednes day, (2) A list of Events for 1955-56 was compiled. (See addenda) (3) Four papers of University Commencement were prepared and discussed: (a) The Pr...