20-21 Jan '56-page 7. THAT the following trustees bo elected to serve for the three-year term 1955-58: Ralph W. Harbison G. F. Jewett* Marion M. Lloyd R. Wallace :.IcClenahan*** Joseph R. Sizoo* Joseph M. Steele Joseph Van Vleck, Jr.**** t *Approved by Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America ***Ipproved by National Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church in U.S .A. ****Approved by American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. It was vct e d THAT the Chairman and the President be authorized and em-powered to appoint committees of the Board to serve for 1955-56, and THAT the following officers of the Board be elected for the year 1955-56: Chairman - Douglas Horton Vice Chairman - Recording Secretary- Harrison Ga...