$4,109.80 897.79 985.19 4,825.00 4,887.50 5,163.75 5,106.25 2,985.00 5,025.00 4,962.50 1,839.50 1,635.16 5,237.50 2,000.00 49.80 152.21 64.81 262.50 1640.35 1159.50 123.00 133.80 499.25 659.75 120.50 14.84 434.50 360.22 Appendix E Page 2. The policy of the Investment Committee for 1938-3) was to have the funds invested, 50% in bonds; 45% in stocks; and 5% in real estate mortgages; and we have invested within the limits of this policy. The changes in the University's holdings during 1938-39 were as follows: Sold or Called Book Value Profit or Loss $4,000. 1,000. 1,000. 5,000. 5,000. 5,000. 5,000. 3,000. 5,000. 5,000. 2,000. California Packing Co 5s 1940 Called ® 101* Detroit Edison Gen and Ref 5s 1952 Called @ 105 Anaconda Copper Mining Co 4...