Sellix Price Book Value MarkeValue $4,937.50 4,993.75 9,937.50 4,973.75 897.79 8,577.64 4,887.50 2,179.26 4,908.75 4,962.50 4,887.50 5,176.11 200.00 $5,200.00 4,500.00 9,975.00 5,575.00 1,070.00 7,200.00 4,600.00 1,976.25 3,500.00 5,300.00 5,168.75 4,650.00 100.00 Book Profit Income or Loss 6/15 1936-,37 $262.50 $250.00 4 .75 107.29 (1) 37.50 500.00 601.25 250.00 172.21 50.00 11_377.64 183.33 (2) 287.50 250.00 203.01 150.00 (3) 1,408.75 225.00 337.50 225.00 281.25 250.00 520.11 250.00 100.00 6.00 (4) Public Utilities 15,000 Birmingham Water Works Sec C 1st Mtge 5% 1957 5,000 Brooklyn Manhattan Transit 3 3/4% 1949 10,000 Columbia Gas and Elec Corp Deb 5% 1952 5,000 Commonwealth Edison 1st Coll 5% 1954 1,000 Detroit Edison Gen and Refunding 5...