Appendix C Schedule 2 321 THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURES 1930 - 1931 Deficit in 1929-30 Budget at June 15, 1930 $28,143.74 Cancellation of Note Payable $25,000.00 Offset to Campaign Expenses 3,143.74 28,143.74 Contributions: General - Undesigneted 53,963.59 Received in Egypt 121.40 54,084.99 Income: From Trust Funds 16,545.65 Other Interest and Dividends Received 23,793.89 40,339.54 Less: Designated Income remitted to Cairo- 831.62 39,507.92 Credit from Cairo representing excess of Assets over Liabilities as at June 30, 1930 Contra to above: Direct Remittances, Payments in America, and credits from Bursar in Cairo 1,879.55 95,472.46 103, 033.40 Cost of Administration and Interest Charges (Philadelphia)...