Appendix E Schedule B-2 zog THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO STATEMENT OF INCOME I.ND EXPENDITURES June 15 to October 15, 1929 Deficit in 1928-29 Budget Contributions: Account 1928-29 Deficit $21,882.62 app],icable to 1929-30 967.38 General Undesignated 29,660.00 52,510.00 Income: Interest on Investments 5,944.80 Credit from Cairo: Excess of Assets over Liabilities at June 30, 1929, per Bursar's Statement 3,404.88 61,859.68 39,977.06 Contra to above: Paid Account Egypt Budget 1929-30 16,226.02 Paid Account Phila. " It 5,635.79 21,861.81 BALANCE AVAILABLE FOR 1929-30 BUDGET $18,115.25 Total Budget for 1929-30 Income to October 15, 1929 BALANCE TO BE SECURED ACCT 1929-30 $117,495.U0 39,977.06 $ 77, 517. 9