Appendix A, Page 2 Ar 4 October 29, 1921. THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO BALANCE SFEET As of June '3O, 1921. 1 Assets: Investments: R. R. Bonds 11,231.25 Liberty Bonds 15,442.53 Designated Se-curities 1,003.77 27,677.55 Liabilities: Endowment and Trust Funds: General Endowment ,150,00 James P. McKinney Li-brary Fund 7,500.00 Scholarships 1,020.26 Annuities 5,500.00 14,170.26 Educational Plant. University Land and Buildings 354,414.96* Furniture and Equipment 17,774.47 372,189.43 Educational Plant. Loans against Equipment Present Equity in Plant 104,000.00 268,189.43 372,189.43 General Accounts: Accounts Payable 28,300.00 Deferred Income 508.12 28,808.12 General Accounts: Receivable from Equipment Fund 8,510.00 Cash in Bark 6,790.83 15,300...