In this theological dialogue two characters, the skeptical Simon and the man of faith, Joseph, engag...
In Christ Jesus God, salvation is certain. Safety is not hopefully or hopefully or God willing. This...
Special Collection: Scholarly Voices, sub-edited by Yolanda Dreyer (University of Pretoria).Salvatio...
A brief dialogue on the meaning of Christ's salvation with a Christian evangelical
In this paper, I develop a philosophical clarification of the statement "faith in the resurrection o...
Scripture and salvation -- from a Christian point of view, both are gifts from God. yet they are not...
Now friends we come to our study as we consider what the Bible reveals about salvation there are cer...
God’s salvation of humanity, as presented in the Scriptures, will always be the highest, most sublim...
Salvation is a crucial part of a Christian's life. There are several interpretations according to th...
We\u27re going to be looking at several different aspects of grace and show how there are dimensions...
It is not enough--if not untrue--simply to say that the faithful of the Old Testament were saved by ...
All of mankind faces a great dilemma, whether they realize it or not, regarding their state of depra...
Isn\u27t it strange that one of the priorities of the Christian ministry is to make disciples, but v...
For an answer to questions concerning the bible of Christian living.
The theological account of Christian service to fellow humans had customarily been couched in the la...
In this theological dialogue two characters, the skeptical Simon and the man of faith, Joseph, engag...
In Christ Jesus God, salvation is certain. Safety is not hopefully or hopefully or God willing. This...
Special Collection: Scholarly Voices, sub-edited by Yolanda Dreyer (University of Pretoria).Salvatio...
A brief dialogue on the meaning of Christ's salvation with a Christian evangelical
In this paper, I develop a philosophical clarification of the statement "faith in the resurrection o...
Scripture and salvation -- from a Christian point of view, both are gifts from God. yet they are not...
Now friends we come to our study as we consider what the Bible reveals about salvation there are cer...
God’s salvation of humanity, as presented in the Scriptures, will always be the highest, most sublim...
Salvation is a crucial part of a Christian's life. There are several interpretations according to th...
We\u27re going to be looking at several different aspects of grace and show how there are dimensions...
It is not enough--if not untrue--simply to say that the faithful of the Old Testament were saved by ...
All of mankind faces a great dilemma, whether they realize it or not, regarding their state of depra...
Isn\u27t it strange that one of the priorities of the Christian ministry is to make disciples, but v...
For an answer to questions concerning the bible of Christian living.
The theological account of Christian service to fellow humans had customarily been couched in the la...
In this theological dialogue two characters, the skeptical Simon and the man of faith, Joseph, engag...
In Christ Jesus God, salvation is certain. Safety is not hopefully or hopefully or God willing. This...
Special Collection: Scholarly Voices, sub-edited by Yolanda Dreyer (University of Pretoria).Salvatio...