Bakalaureusetöö Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekavalTöö põhineb 2008. a. Eesti Maaülikooli Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituudi Eerikal asuvale põllule rajatud pikaajalisel katsel. Antud uurimustöös on kasutatud 2013‒2016 aasta keskmisi ja 2017 aasta andmeid ning võrreldud tava- ja maheviljelusviisi ja ristiku külviaja mõju ristiku allakülviga odra terasaagile, selle kujunemisele ja saagi kvaliteedile. Maheviljeluses olid väetisvariandid Org 0, Org I ja Org II, kus lämmastiku allikateks olid vastavalt eelnevalt külvikorras kasvatatud liblikõieliste poolt seotud õhulämmastik, lisaks seotud õhulämmastikule veel ka talvised vahekultuurid ning lisaks eelnevatele veel sõnnik. Tavasüsteemis väetisvariandid olid N0, mis...
There is a shortage of organic grains, and a need to develop organic production systems which ensur...
There is a need for better knowledge of the production potential in organic stockless cereal product...
Crop yields between 1982 and 1988 are reported here as a part of a cropping system experiment carrie...
Magistritöö Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekavalAntud uurimustöö põhineb Eesti M...
Cover crops can be used to reduce leaching and erosion, introduce variability into crop rotation and...
Bakalaurusetöö Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekavalTöö põhineb 2008 a alustatud ...
In the years 2012–2014, a field trial was conducted at the Estonian Crop Research Institute in order...
Nitrogen (N) deficiency is a major problem in organic and low-input farming systems. Growing spring ...
Kylvösiemenen itävyys ja elinvoima ovat tärkeitä tekijöitä orastuvuuden, kasvuston rakentumisen ja s...
Uurimistulemustest selgus, et punase ristiku kasvatamine külvikorras avaldab soodsat mõju mikroorgan...
The effects of partition of growth time between primary growth and regrowth of organically grown mix...
The experiments were carried out during 2012–2017. There were 5 crops in rotation: Red clover, winte...
In 2013–2014 field trials were organised in Estonian Crop Research Institute to comply with the appl...
Legume-based leys form the basis for crop rotations in organic farming as they fix nitrogen (N) from...
Danish organic farmers experience increasing difficulties with clover soil fatigue due to continuous...
There is a shortage of organic grains, and a need to develop organic production systems which ensur...
There is a need for better knowledge of the production potential in organic stockless cereal product...
Crop yields between 1982 and 1988 are reported here as a part of a cropping system experiment carrie...
Magistritöö Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekavalAntud uurimustöö põhineb Eesti M...
Cover crops can be used to reduce leaching and erosion, introduce variability into crop rotation and...
Bakalaurusetöö Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekavalTöö põhineb 2008 a alustatud ...
In the years 2012–2014, a field trial was conducted at the Estonian Crop Research Institute in order...
Nitrogen (N) deficiency is a major problem in organic and low-input farming systems. Growing spring ...
Kylvösiemenen itävyys ja elinvoima ovat tärkeitä tekijöitä orastuvuuden, kasvuston rakentumisen ja s...
Uurimistulemustest selgus, et punase ristiku kasvatamine külvikorras avaldab soodsat mõju mikroorgan...
The effects of partition of growth time between primary growth and regrowth of organically grown mix...
The experiments were carried out during 2012–2017. There were 5 crops in rotation: Red clover, winte...
In 2013–2014 field trials were organised in Estonian Crop Research Institute to comply with the appl...
Legume-based leys form the basis for crop rotations in organic farming as they fix nitrogen (N) from...
Danish organic farmers experience increasing difficulties with clover soil fatigue due to continuous...
There is a shortage of organic grains, and a need to develop organic production systems which ensur...
There is a need for better knowledge of the production potential in organic stockless cereal product...
Crop yields between 1982 and 1988 are reported here as a part of a cropping system experiment carrie...