In 2013–2014 field trials were organised in Estonian Crop Research Institute to comply with the applied project of the Estonian Ministry of Agriculture. In the establishment of a red clover seed production field 2 cover crops (barley and spring wheat) were investigated on 4 treatments and 4 seed rates (2, 4, 6 and 8 kg ha-1). Based on the field trials it can be concluded that both two-row barley (the variety 'Maali') and spring wheat (the variety 'Mooni') are suitable cover crops for the establishment of a red clover seed production field. For early red clover barley is more suitable as a cover crop. For the late red clover barley and spring wheat are equally suitable as cover crops. According to yield results of cover crop, red clover seed...
vokKirjasto Aj-kTetraploidin puna-apilan siemenviljelymahdollisuuksista Sisä-Suomess
The red clover and lucerne swards and their accumulated nitrogen (N) in residues can be useful tool ...
Tetraploid red clover has similar forage properties as diploid red clover. However, tetraploid red c...
In the years 2012–2014, a field trial was conducted at the Estonian Crop Research Institute in order...
In the years 2012–2015, the Estonian Crop Research Institute conducted a field trial in order to inv...
Maheviljelussüsteemide (Mahe I ja Mahe II) mullas olid üldlämmastiku sisalduse näitajad võrreldes ta...
Bakalaureusetöö Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekavalTöö põhineb 2008. a. Eesti M...
vokKirjasto Aj-kThe suitability of rye and spring wheat varieties for ecological cultivatio
Uurimistulemustest selgus, et punase ristiku kasvatamine külvikorras avaldab soodsat mõju mikroorgan...
Raudonieji dobilai – pagrindinė daugiamečių ankštinių žolių rūšis, auginama ariamose dirvose Lietuvo...
Cover crops can be used to reduce leaching and erosion, introduce variability into crop rotation and...
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) was grown in mixtures with timothy and meadow fescue in field exp...
Five known varieties and five local strains of red clover from the latitudes 60 to 66°N were studied...
The frost-resistance of Finnish red clover has been studied by means of experiments in a cold cabine...
Cover crops can reduce leaching and erosion, introduce variability into crop rotations and fix nitro...
vokKirjasto Aj-kTetraploidin puna-apilan siemenviljelymahdollisuuksista Sisä-Suomess
The red clover and lucerne swards and their accumulated nitrogen (N) in residues can be useful tool ...
Tetraploid red clover has similar forage properties as diploid red clover. However, tetraploid red c...
In the years 2012–2014, a field trial was conducted at the Estonian Crop Research Institute in order...
In the years 2012–2015, the Estonian Crop Research Institute conducted a field trial in order to inv...
Maheviljelussüsteemide (Mahe I ja Mahe II) mullas olid üldlämmastiku sisalduse näitajad võrreldes ta...
Bakalaureusetöö Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekavalTöö põhineb 2008. a. Eesti M...
vokKirjasto Aj-kThe suitability of rye and spring wheat varieties for ecological cultivatio
Uurimistulemustest selgus, et punase ristiku kasvatamine külvikorras avaldab soodsat mõju mikroorgan...
Raudonieji dobilai – pagrindinė daugiamečių ankštinių žolių rūšis, auginama ariamose dirvose Lietuvo...
Cover crops can be used to reduce leaching and erosion, introduce variability into crop rotation and...
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) was grown in mixtures with timothy and meadow fescue in field exp...
Five known varieties and five local strains of red clover from the latitudes 60 to 66°N were studied...
The frost-resistance of Finnish red clover has been studied by means of experiments in a cold cabine...
Cover crops can reduce leaching and erosion, introduce variability into crop rotations and fix nitro...
vokKirjasto Aj-kTetraploidin puna-apilan siemenviljelymahdollisuuksista Sisä-Suomess
The red clover and lucerne swards and their accumulated nitrogen (N) in residues can be useful tool ...
Tetraploid red clover has similar forage properties as diploid red clover. However, tetraploid red c...