Air quality measuring is tightly regulated by EU-legislation and Finnish national legislation. This study implements environmental strategy of Lahti city and it has been made for Lahti region environmental service. The aim of this study is to create a pragmatic model for regional air quality monitoring network. This model is based on EU-directives which have been harmonized in Finnish national legislation. Also the Finnish general instructions about air quality monitoring have been a great help. Second aim of the study is to adapt this model into the area of three municipalities: HoIlola, Lahti and Nastola. These neighbouring municipalities have also other common functions. This far we have had air quality monitoring network only in ...
During an air pollution episode the ambient pollutant concentrations are exceptionally high. The lat...
Periodically checking the air conditioning plants refers to the standard maintenance of the entire a...
Teknisellä suorituskyvyllä tarkoitetaan sitä, kuinka hyvin järjestelmä suoriutuu sille asetetuista t...
The purpose of this thesis was to create an informing and action plan to inform public of outdoor ai...
The objective of this thesis is to outline current emission measurement practices and also to provid...
The aim of the work was to study how the concentrations of PM10 sized particles have developed in tw...
Sisäilman laadun hallinta- projektissa (diaari 188/401/00, päätös 40724/00), joka kuului Suomen ympä...
The public defense on 29th May 2020 at 12:00 will be organized via remote technology. Link: https:...
Poor air quality influences the quality of life in the urban environment. The regulatory observation...
The smoke and fumes of the city: Air protection in Helsinki from 1945 to 1982 This dissertation ex...
YK:n Euroopan talouskomission EMEP-projektissa (Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation...
Kansalliset hiukkaspitoisuuden ja -päästön vertailumittaukset tehtiin 20.9 - 30.9.1994 IVO Tuotantop...
This study presents the development and applications of regional and local scale models for use in i...
Protection of environment and human health is major concern for European Union. European Commission ...
Välisõhu saaste probleemid Ida-Virumaal said alguse kahekümnenda sajandi alguses seoses põlevkivi ka...
During an air pollution episode the ambient pollutant concentrations are exceptionally high. The lat...
Periodically checking the air conditioning plants refers to the standard maintenance of the entire a...
Teknisellä suorituskyvyllä tarkoitetaan sitä, kuinka hyvin järjestelmä suoriutuu sille asetetuista t...
The purpose of this thesis was to create an informing and action plan to inform public of outdoor ai...
The objective of this thesis is to outline current emission measurement practices and also to provid...
The aim of the work was to study how the concentrations of PM10 sized particles have developed in tw...
Sisäilman laadun hallinta- projektissa (diaari 188/401/00, päätös 40724/00), joka kuului Suomen ympä...
The public defense on 29th May 2020 at 12:00 will be organized via remote technology. Link: https:...
Poor air quality influences the quality of life in the urban environment. The regulatory observation...
The smoke and fumes of the city: Air protection in Helsinki from 1945 to 1982 This dissertation ex...
YK:n Euroopan talouskomission EMEP-projektissa (Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation...
Kansalliset hiukkaspitoisuuden ja -päästön vertailumittaukset tehtiin 20.9 - 30.9.1994 IVO Tuotantop...
This study presents the development and applications of regional and local scale models for use in i...
Protection of environment and human health is major concern for European Union. European Commission ...
Välisõhu saaste probleemid Ida-Virumaal said alguse kahekümnenda sajandi alguses seoses põlevkivi ka...
During an air pollution episode the ambient pollutant concentrations are exceptionally high. The lat...
Periodically checking the air conditioning plants refers to the standard maintenance of the entire a...
Teknisellä suorituskyvyllä tarkoitetaan sitä, kuinka hyvin järjestelmä suoriutuu sille asetetuista t...