Turizmas – viena perspektyviausių ir stambiausių ekonomikos sričių pasaulyje. Jis apima vidutiniškai 7% bendrųjų investicijų, 11% vartojimo išlaidų, mokestinių pajamų, suteikia 350 mln. darbo vietų, jo dalis pasaulio bendrajame nacionaliniame produkte siekia 6%. Lietuvoje šiai sričiai taip pat suteikiama vis didesnė reikšmė: Lietuvos ūkio (ekonomikos) plėtros iki 2015 metų ilgalaikės strategijos tiksluose numatyta kurti Lietuvos, kaip patrauklios turizmo šalies, įvaizdį, atgaivinti kurortinį turizmą Palangoje, Druskininkuose, Birštone ir kitose vietovėse. Lietuva prognozuoja 2015 m. turizmo sektoriuje sukurti 8% šalies BVP ir gauti iš atvykstamojo turizmo per 17 mlrd. Lt pajamų. Todėl efektyvus turizmo sektoriaus pozicionavimas yra nacional...
A variety of forms of managing economy has become characteristic for Lithuania due to the functionin...
Since the main policy outlining the arena proceeds at the level of governmental organisations, the o...
[only abstract in English; full article and abstract in Lithuanian] The need to establish themselves...
Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjau Kauno rajono, trijų seniūnijų organizacijų veiklos galimybes. Darbo s...
Effective internal communication (IC) increases employee productivity, loyalty to the workplace, str...
The purpose of this article is to present the research of the Lithuanian media users which revealed ...
Organizations engaged in different activities were investigated, i.e. manufacturing, trading and ins...
This article addresses the problems associated with the involvement of stakeholders in protected are...
In this article the author has in view substantiating the universal character of the logistics conce...
The problems of interpreting some of the concepts of operational activities are analyzed in this art...
Tada, kai dar nebuvo žiniasklaidos priemonių, naujienos sklido iš lūpų į lūpas. Ir tik per pastaruos...
Nowadays, non-governmental organisations are one of the main contributors to development and growth ...
The article aims, on the basis of theoretical knowledge and accumulated information from the individ...
The paper deals with the main problems of defining the needs of all enterprises' economical informat...
SummaryThis article deals with politicisation of the public sector in Lithuania in the context of en...
A variety of forms of managing economy has become characteristic for Lithuania due to the functionin...
Since the main policy outlining the arena proceeds at the level of governmental organisations, the o...
[only abstract in English; full article and abstract in Lithuanian] The need to establish themselves...
Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjau Kauno rajono, trijų seniūnijų organizacijų veiklos galimybes. Darbo s...
Effective internal communication (IC) increases employee productivity, loyalty to the workplace, str...
The purpose of this article is to present the research of the Lithuanian media users which revealed ...
Organizations engaged in different activities were investigated, i.e. manufacturing, trading and ins...
This article addresses the problems associated with the involvement of stakeholders in protected are...
In this article the author has in view substantiating the universal character of the logistics conce...
The problems of interpreting some of the concepts of operational activities are analyzed in this art...
Tada, kai dar nebuvo žiniasklaidos priemonių, naujienos sklido iš lūpų į lūpas. Ir tik per pastaruos...
Nowadays, non-governmental organisations are one of the main contributors to development and growth ...
The article aims, on the basis of theoretical knowledge and accumulated information from the individ...
The paper deals with the main problems of defining the needs of all enterprises' economical informat...
SummaryThis article deals with politicisation of the public sector in Lithuania in the context of en...
A variety of forms of managing economy has become characteristic for Lithuania due to the functionin...
Since the main policy outlining the arena proceeds at the level of governmental organisations, the o...
[only abstract in English; full article and abstract in Lithuanian] The need to establish themselves...