Maslinarski turizam razvija se u ponudi turističkih destinacija kao važan oblik turizma posebnih interesa u okviru gastronomije, koji povezuje posjetitelje s maslinovim uljem i kulturom maslinarstva u destinacijama koje posjećuju. Glavni je cilj rada razumjeti motivaciju posjetitelja muzeja maslinovog ulja s trgovinom putem kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog pristupa. Kvalitativno prikupljanje podataka provedeno je dubinskim intervjuima na uzroku posjetitelja, dok su kvantitativni podaci prikupljani metodom ankete te analizirani pomoću T-testa i eksplorativne faktorske analize. Dobiveni rezultati opisuju profil prosječnog posjetitelja, pri čemu je utvrđena značajna razlika među posjetiteljima prema zemlji dolaska i motiva za posjet muzeju. Opće...
Maslina (Olea europaea L.) je jedna od najznačajnijih biljnih kultura Mediterana i smatr...
U uvodnom dijelu rada prikazana je važnost maslinovog ulja kroz povijest, legende, simbole i tradic...
The recent trends in the tourism industry, as well as the attention paid by scholars, practitioners,...
Purpose - the purpose of the paper is to explore tourists’ (N=452) familiarity with Northern Adriati...
The Purpose – The production of olive oil is one of the most important agricultural activities in Me...
Purpose – Oleotourism is becoming increasingly important as Special Interest Tourism (SIT), especia...
The rise of new tourist typologies as a result of the change in the motivations of tourists and the ...
Gastronomy is one of the main motivations that inspires and triggers the tourist journey. It is freq...
Gastro turizam stjeće sve veću popularnost zadnjih dvadeset godina, te se Hrvatska, kao turistički ...
Purpose – The aim of this paper is to identify necessary requirements for development of olive touri...
Purpose – Oleotourism is becoming increasingly important as Special Interest Tourism (SIT), especial...
Maslinarstvo predstavlja tradicionalnu granu poljoprivrede u Hrvatskom primorju, pa se je tako sa ra...
This paper focuses on tourists' purchasing behaviour of local olive oil in a tourist destination, pr...
The olive oil production is a socio-economic activity largely extended in the Mediterranean area and...
Purpose – Oleotourism has recently caught the attention of researchers in the field of tourism marke...
Maslina (Olea europaea L.) je jedna od najznačajnijih biljnih kultura Mediterana i smatr...
U uvodnom dijelu rada prikazana je važnost maslinovog ulja kroz povijest, legende, simbole i tradic...
The recent trends in the tourism industry, as well as the attention paid by scholars, practitioners,...
Purpose - the purpose of the paper is to explore tourists’ (N=452) familiarity with Northern Adriati...
The Purpose – The production of olive oil is one of the most important agricultural activities in Me...
Purpose – Oleotourism is becoming increasingly important as Special Interest Tourism (SIT), especia...
The rise of new tourist typologies as a result of the change in the motivations of tourists and the ...
Gastronomy is one of the main motivations that inspires and triggers the tourist journey. It is freq...
Gastro turizam stjeće sve veću popularnost zadnjih dvadeset godina, te se Hrvatska, kao turistički ...
Purpose – The aim of this paper is to identify necessary requirements for development of olive touri...
Purpose – Oleotourism is becoming increasingly important as Special Interest Tourism (SIT), especial...
Maslinarstvo predstavlja tradicionalnu granu poljoprivrede u Hrvatskom primorju, pa se je tako sa ra...
This paper focuses on tourists' purchasing behaviour of local olive oil in a tourist destination, pr...
The olive oil production is a socio-economic activity largely extended in the Mediterranean area and...
Purpose – Oleotourism has recently caught the attention of researchers in the field of tourism marke...
Maslina (Olea europaea L.) je jedna od najznačajnijih biljnih kultura Mediterana i smatr...
U uvodnom dijelu rada prikazana je važnost maslinovog ulja kroz povijest, legende, simbole i tradic...
The recent trends in the tourism industry, as well as the attention paid by scholars, practitioners,...