In 2008 Fox first aired its hit show Sons of Anarchy, a drama series about a Californian motorcycle club. The main thrust is about the club’s vice-president and his struggle to find his place in a life of violence. According to creator Kurt Sutter the series is partly based on Shakespeare’s 16th century drama Hamlet - Prince of Denmark, which causes the show to often be referred to as ”Hamlet on Harleys”. Focusing on the first two seasons of the series, this essay looks into the relationship between the two works of art. Asking how the inspiration of the play is reflected in the television series, it compares the stories’ main themes and motives with help of the actantial model, as well as the different characters and their relationships wi...
William Shakespeare is one of the prominent and leading authors who have been beyond the times and i...
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William...
This study explores several conflicts found in the literary work of Shakespeare\u27s Drama Hamlet. I...
In 2008 Fox first aired its hit show Sons of Anarchy, a drama series about a Californian motorcycle ...
This article investigates the intersections between Shakespeare’s Hamlet and a popular TV series So...
This article investigates the intersections between Shakespeare’s Hamlet and a popular TV series Son...
Using Shakespeare’s criticism and archival theory as lenses, this article enlarges understandings of...
Despite its ultraviolence and the fact that it is based on the everyday life of outlaws bikers, the ...
This paper reads season 1 of the critically-acclaimed Canadian television series “Slings & Arrows” (...
William Shakespeares Tod mag über 400 Jahre zurück liegen, doch seine Geschichten sind auch heutzuta...
This research aims to realizes an investigation of the structuring and interaction of the different ...
Since the 1960s, chaos theory has become an important but controversial tool used by scientists and ...
The audience feels an incompatibility between Hamlet as he is before and as he is after pursuing the...
Hamlet, which is one of the masterpieces of William Shakespeare, narrates the tragedy of the Prince ...
William Shakespeare is one of the best and most well-known playwrights in the English language. His ...
William Shakespeare is one of the prominent and leading authors who have been beyond the times and i...
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William...
This study explores several conflicts found in the literary work of Shakespeare\u27s Drama Hamlet. I...
In 2008 Fox first aired its hit show Sons of Anarchy, a drama series about a Californian motorcycle ...
This article investigates the intersections between Shakespeare’s Hamlet and a popular TV series So...
This article investigates the intersections between Shakespeare’s Hamlet and a popular TV series Son...
Using Shakespeare’s criticism and archival theory as lenses, this article enlarges understandings of...
Despite its ultraviolence and the fact that it is based on the everyday life of outlaws bikers, the ...
This paper reads season 1 of the critically-acclaimed Canadian television series “Slings & Arrows” (...
William Shakespeares Tod mag über 400 Jahre zurück liegen, doch seine Geschichten sind auch heutzuta...
This research aims to realizes an investigation of the structuring and interaction of the different ...
Since the 1960s, chaos theory has become an important but controversial tool used by scientists and ...
The audience feels an incompatibility between Hamlet as he is before and as he is after pursuing the...
Hamlet, which is one of the masterpieces of William Shakespeare, narrates the tragedy of the Prince ...
William Shakespeare is one of the best and most well-known playwrights in the English language. His ...
William Shakespeare is one of the prominent and leading authors who have been beyond the times and i...
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William...
This study explores several conflicts found in the literary work of Shakespeare\u27s Drama Hamlet. I...