This article investigates the intersections between Shakespeare’s Hamlet and a popular TV series Sons of Anarchy (SOA), loosely based on the Shakespearean original. The crime drama series revolves around an outlaw motorcycle club that literally “rules” a fictional town in California like an old royal family with its own brutal dynastic power squabbles and dark family secrets. The club is governed by an unscrupulous President Clay and an equally violent, though more conflicted, Vice President Jax Teller, the son of the late President, who had died in mysterious circumstances. In the article I argue that the popularity of the series lies not in its graphic scenes of violence, over-the-top Harley chases, and sex intrigues, but rather in its Sh...
The article is concerned with the female readership of Shakespeare’s plays and the way abridgements,...
.Shakespeare and vampires represent a sort of “Beckettian pair” whose intertextual connections seem ...
The article deals the possibility of applying Vladimir Propp’s, basically anthropological idea of “t...
This article investigates the intersections between Shakespeare’s Hamlet and a popular TV series So...
In 2008 Fox first aired its hit show Sons of Anarchy, a drama series about a Californian motorcycle ...
Using Shakespeare’s criticism and archival theory as lenses, this article enlarges understandings of...
The article focuses on Hamlet Travestie, a parodic mash-up of Hamlet by Punta Corsara, a theater co...
This article discusses the TV series The Wilds (Amazon Prime, 2020) as an adaptational experiment wi...
In this article, I analyze the TV show Sons of Anarchy (SOA) and how the cable drama revisits and re...
Despite its ultraviolence and the fact that it is based on the everyday life of outlaws bikers, the ...
Shakespeare’s works have long been a place of cultural and political struggles, and continues to be ...
This paper reads season 1 of the critically-acclaimed Canadian television series “Slings & Arrows” (...
Hamlet, at once the best-known of all revenge tragedies and a significant departure from its predece...
This article is about the tragedies of William Shakespeare, a representative of English literature, ...
This article is about the tragedies of William Shakespeare, a representative of English literature, ...
The article is concerned with the female readership of Shakespeare’s plays and the way abridgements,...
.Shakespeare and vampires represent a sort of “Beckettian pair” whose intertextual connections seem ...
The article deals the possibility of applying Vladimir Propp’s, basically anthropological idea of “t...
This article investigates the intersections between Shakespeare’s Hamlet and a popular TV series So...
In 2008 Fox first aired its hit show Sons of Anarchy, a drama series about a Californian motorcycle ...
Using Shakespeare’s criticism and archival theory as lenses, this article enlarges understandings of...
The article focuses on Hamlet Travestie, a parodic mash-up of Hamlet by Punta Corsara, a theater co...
This article discusses the TV series The Wilds (Amazon Prime, 2020) as an adaptational experiment wi...
In this article, I analyze the TV show Sons of Anarchy (SOA) and how the cable drama revisits and re...
Despite its ultraviolence and the fact that it is based on the everyday life of outlaws bikers, the ...
Shakespeare’s works have long been a place of cultural and political struggles, and continues to be ...
This paper reads season 1 of the critically-acclaimed Canadian television series “Slings & Arrows” (...
Hamlet, at once the best-known of all revenge tragedies and a significant departure from its predece...
This article is about the tragedies of William Shakespeare, a representative of English literature, ...
This article is about the tragedies of William Shakespeare, a representative of English literature, ...
The article is concerned with the female readership of Shakespeare’s plays and the way abridgements,...
.Shakespeare and vampires represent a sort of “Beckettian pair” whose intertextual connections seem ...
The article deals the possibility of applying Vladimir Propp’s, basically anthropological idea of “t...