Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera hur urfolket Samernas rättigheter var beskrivna i den offentliga debatten i Sverige genom att analyser svenska artiklar. Under studien, olika konstruktioner av samiska rättigheter hittades, vilka har blivit analyserade genom metoden kritisk diskurs analys, specifikt den tre dimensionella modellen av Norman Fairclough. Det empiriska materialet utgjordes av debatt-artiklar och nyhetsartiklar från olika tidningar och nyhetsbyårer i Sverige. Perspektivet i analysen var klargjord genom teorin om grupprättigheter. Resultatet visade, bland annat, hur diskussioner om ratificering av ILO-169konventionen har pågått under lång tid och att den har aldrig ratificerats. Detta är på grund av tvetydigheten i hur en ...
The traditional territory of the indigenous Sami people stretches into Sweden, Norway, Finland and R...
For a long time, the indigenous Sami of northern Sweden have had little influence within planning pr...
The Swedish welfare model has historically been financially dependent on the mining industry, which ...
Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera hur urfolket Samernas rättigheter var beskrivna i den offen...
The point of departure for this study is the official recognition by the Swedish government in 1977 ...
The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine the views that were held within the Sami society...
ILO 169 – Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention - is an international treaty that deals exclusive...
Sverige har vid upprepade tillfällen mottagit kritik från flera internationella människorättskommitt...
Sweden has received critique from international organizations for its discrimination of indigenous r...
År 2009 lämnade Girjas sameby in en stämningsansökan mot svenska staten för att få ensamrätt till ja...
The Sami have lived in Sweden since the time before colonization and land borders. Nevertheless, the...
This essay is a discourse analysis focused on the revise of the swedish minority law (SFS 2009:724) ...
Indigenous rights are among the most rapidly progressing domains in international law. The UN Declar...
The formation of Svenska Samernas Riksförbund (SSR) [The National Association of Swedish Sami] on Oc...
The Swedish society has trough decades developed into a multicultural society. Minority groups such ...
The traditional territory of the indigenous Sami people stretches into Sweden, Norway, Finland and R...
For a long time, the indigenous Sami of northern Sweden have had little influence within planning pr...
The Swedish welfare model has historically been financially dependent on the mining industry, which ...
Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera hur urfolket Samernas rättigheter var beskrivna i den offen...
The point of departure for this study is the official recognition by the Swedish government in 1977 ...
The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine the views that were held within the Sami society...
ILO 169 – Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention - is an international treaty that deals exclusive...
Sverige har vid upprepade tillfällen mottagit kritik från flera internationella människorättskommitt...
Sweden has received critique from international organizations for its discrimination of indigenous r...
År 2009 lämnade Girjas sameby in en stämningsansökan mot svenska staten för att få ensamrätt till ja...
The Sami have lived in Sweden since the time before colonization and land borders. Nevertheless, the...
This essay is a discourse analysis focused on the revise of the swedish minority law (SFS 2009:724) ...
Indigenous rights are among the most rapidly progressing domains in international law. The UN Declar...
The formation of Svenska Samernas Riksförbund (SSR) [The National Association of Swedish Sami] on Oc...
The Swedish society has trough decades developed into a multicultural society. Minority groups such ...
The traditional territory of the indigenous Sami people stretches into Sweden, Norway, Finland and R...
For a long time, the indigenous Sami of northern Sweden have had little influence within planning pr...
The Swedish welfare model has historically been financially dependent on the mining industry, which ...