REZUMAT În climatul temperat continental infecţia virotică a cartofului este condiţionată de sursele de infecţie virotică şi de vectorii virozelor. In microzona Huedin, situată intramontan în judeţul Cluj, cu un climat umed şi răcoros (600 m altitudine; 7,2 0 C media anuală a temperaturii, 18 0 C temperatura medie a lunii celei mai calde a anului -iulie, 604,4 mm precipitaţii anuale) şi izolată în spaţiu în mod natural s-au testat 4 tipuri de soiuri de cartof sensibile sau resistente la principalele virusuri ale cartofului: PVY şi PLRV. Rezultatele cercetării au demonstrat că se poate obţine o producţie de sămânţă de aceeaşi calitate cu cea produsă în zonele tradiţionale de producere a cartofului de sămânţă, dacă se respectă elementele spec...
The article describes the research results on the technology elements improvement of original potato...
The article presents the results of conducting primary seed production of virus-free original and zo...
Potato is a very important crop in Romania, after corn and wheat and this is why this crop must be a...
In the continental temperate climatic area virotical infection of potato was conditioned by the sour...
After the transition of agriculture to market economy the competition has become ϐierce, so it is ve...
Protective measures of culture against Potato Virus Y necrotic strains (PVYN) infections, diagnosis ...
Potato growing technology, along with agro-technical methods, well known and appreciated, includes a...
Aphids (Aphididae, Hemiptera) are efficient vectors of plant viruses and a significant problem in po...
Potato production is directly influenced by various biological factors among which the most importan...
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência de clones geneticamente modificados de batata ao...
Cultivares de batata (Solanum tuberosum L.) têm mostrado degenerescência causada por vírus após cicl...
La production de la patate douce, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam., reste confrontée à de nombreuses contra...
The aim of the research was to determine the crop productivity, yield of tubers of seed fraction and...
National Institute of Research and Development for Potato and Sugar Beet Brasov is working to create...
Potatoes are strongly affected by pests and by pathogens of fungal, bacterial and viral nature. The ...
The article describes the research results on the technology elements improvement of original potato...
The article presents the results of conducting primary seed production of virus-free original and zo...
Potato is a very important crop in Romania, after corn and wheat and this is why this crop must be a...
In the continental temperate climatic area virotical infection of potato was conditioned by the sour...
After the transition of agriculture to market economy the competition has become ϐierce, so it is ve...
Protective measures of culture against Potato Virus Y necrotic strains (PVYN) infections, diagnosis ...
Potato growing technology, along with agro-technical methods, well known and appreciated, includes a...
Aphids (Aphididae, Hemiptera) are efficient vectors of plant viruses and a significant problem in po...
Potato production is directly influenced by various biological factors among which the most importan...
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência de clones geneticamente modificados de batata ao...
Cultivares de batata (Solanum tuberosum L.) têm mostrado degenerescência causada por vírus após cicl...
La production de la patate douce, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam., reste confrontée à de nombreuses contra...
The aim of the research was to determine the crop productivity, yield of tubers of seed fraction and...
National Institute of Research and Development for Potato and Sugar Beet Brasov is working to create...
Potatoes are strongly affected by pests and by pathogens of fungal, bacterial and viral nature. The ...
The article describes the research results on the technology elements improvement of original potato...
The article presents the results of conducting primary seed production of virus-free original and zo...
Potato is a very important crop in Romania, after corn and wheat and this is why this crop must be a...