Portraits de folklorists Canadiens / Yves Bergeron – Editorial / Elke Dettmer -- Obituary (Christine Cartwright) / Richard Mackinnon – Marius Barbeau / Lise Drolet, Claude Martineau -- The mass media in the folk culture of Newfondland [Newfoundland] / Philip Hiscock – Edouard-Zotique Massicotte / Marie-Eve Moreau, Jules Caron – Sources on women in Newfoundland / Linda Kealy [Kealey], Gillian Martin -- Le cheminement d’un fondateur : Luc Lacourciere / Nicole Dorion -- Some aspect of the use of folklore in Harold Hardwood’s [Horwood's] “Tomorrow will be Sunday” / Roberta Buchanan – Suggestion [suggestions] for the study of traditional boat design / David A. Taylor – Portrait de Robert-Lionel Seguin / Yves Bergeron -- Review of Alice Kane, So...