The article is an attempt at finding a faithful and adequate Polish equivalent of the Russian term „арбитражный суд” which by far has been most frequently translated as „sąd arbitrażowy” (court of arbitration). Searching for an appropriate equivalent is also a reason for introduction, discussion and systematization of Polish and Russian terminology related to commercial and conciliation court proceedings from the philologist-translator point of view
The latest Russian-Israeli literature is losing the features of marginal and peripheral literature (...
Матеріялы до руского словаря – the Ukrainian-Polish manuscript dictionary by Josyf Skomorovski – con...
History of etymological thought shows two different concepts of etymology. The first one links one w...
This article deals with the ways in which the semantic subject is expressed in Russian sentences suc...
The category of witness in the modern literary Macedonian language on the example of press articles....
Święty biskup Ignacy (Branczaninow) uważał, że dzieła Świętych Ojców przetłumaczone przez świętego P...
The article deals with the analysis of Polish and Russian definitions of the owad / насекомое (“ins...
Artykuł podejmuje temat specyfiki trzech utworów rosyjskiego współczesnego prozaika Romana Sienczina...
The paper describes the genesis and the circumstances of the agreements concluded by the Polish Comm...
The purpose of this article is to characterize the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan (2005). The autho...
Names for instruments, tools, devices and accessories in Slavonic languagesThis article is devoted t...
Talent and genius are special kinds of human capabilities. The following article presents the lingui...
В результаті проведених у польських селах Житомирщини досліджень було виявлене коло сталих (традицій...
Campania „Supravieţuirea în caz de sepsis” reprezintă eforturile colaborative ale societăţilor de te...
Chciałabym pokazać w tym artykule, że nie tylko argumenty przedmio- towe, ale i argumenty propozycj...
The latest Russian-Israeli literature is losing the features of marginal and peripheral literature (...
Матеріялы до руского словаря – the Ukrainian-Polish manuscript dictionary by Josyf Skomorovski – con...
History of etymological thought shows two different concepts of etymology. The first one links one w...
This article deals with the ways in which the semantic subject is expressed in Russian sentences suc...
The category of witness in the modern literary Macedonian language on the example of press articles....
Święty biskup Ignacy (Branczaninow) uważał, że dzieła Świętych Ojców przetłumaczone przez świętego P...
The article deals with the analysis of Polish and Russian definitions of the owad / насекомое (“ins...
Artykuł podejmuje temat specyfiki trzech utworów rosyjskiego współczesnego prozaika Romana Sienczina...
The paper describes the genesis and the circumstances of the agreements concluded by the Polish Comm...
The purpose of this article is to characterize the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan (2005). The autho...
Names for instruments, tools, devices and accessories in Slavonic languagesThis article is devoted t...
Talent and genius are special kinds of human capabilities. The following article presents the lingui...
В результаті проведених у польських селах Житомирщини досліджень було виявлене коло сталих (традицій...
Campania „Supravieţuirea în caz de sepsis” reprezintă eforturile colaborative ale societăţilor de te...
Chciałabym pokazać w tym artykule, że nie tylko argumenty przedmio- towe, ale i argumenty propozycj...
The latest Russian-Israeli literature is losing the features of marginal and peripheral literature (...
Матеріялы до руского словаря – the Ukrainian-Polish manuscript dictionary by Josyf Skomorovski – con...
History of etymological thought shows two different concepts of etymology. The first one links one w...